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green building materials

Growing Assortment of Green Building Materials Fuels New Projects

Faced with environmental deterioration and depletion of resources, as well as community pressure, cities and nations around the world are filling their skylines with green buildings — structures made with sustainable materials and focused on energy conservation. From Chicago to Tel Aviv and everywhere in between, these buildings represent more than just a new way

Growing Assortment of Green Building Materials Fuels New Projects Read More 👉

Jurassic World: A Premonition For Humanity With A Real Bite

Matthias Mueller is the creator of Sustainability Compass*, an app that offers users an actionable guide to sustainability in everyday decisions. Through strategic planning and consideration, the compass introduces the user to a series of sound, sustainable principles. It is an app with a philosophy: Think Smarter and Act Smarter. “Biological diversity is messy. It

Jurassic World: A Premonition For Humanity With A Real Bite Read More 👉

ACE High School Climate Change Science Program Adopted By US Mayors Conference

Calling for the “swift implementation” of ACE* climate education in high schools across the country, a bipartisan group of mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors’ annual June meeting took a strong stance against “climate change denialism.” San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee and over 250 other mayors passed a resolution adopting High School climate

ACE High School Climate Change Science Program Adopted By US Mayors Conference Read More 👉

Earth Hour: Join Basketball Legend Bill Walton & NRG Home Solar To Fight Climate Change

As a website dedicated, in part, to sharing news and views on climate change and other environmental issues, when it comes to recommending ways to make positive changes in our personal lives it is difficult to pick a one-size-fits-all solution. However, if there’s one thing that anyone can do to help bring more awareness to

Earth Hour: Join Basketball Legend Bill Walton & NRG Home Solar To Fight Climate Change Read More 👉

Short Climate Change Program Sparks Viewers

We Americans could use “a population shift in knowledge and positive engagement in the issue of climate change,” as environmental scientist  and media guru Anthony Leiserowitz and colleagues have characterized it. While people and governments of other nations, believing their survival is at stake, have rushed to codify mitigation and adaptation measures—only 15% of the US

Short Climate Change Program Sparks Viewers Read More 👉

EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator — Emergency Water Generator

Those interested in purchasing an atmospheric water generator may want to check out this recent offering from Molecule New Water Technologies* — the EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator. The generators offer a potentially effective means of making oneself “water independent,” as the producers state. They are especially useful in the realm of emergency water supply — where the

EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator — Emergency Water Generator Read More 👉

The Electricity Grid Is About To Change… A Lot!

This article is part of the ‘Think Further Thursday’ series, sponsored by Fred Alger Management, Inc. For more ‘Think Further’ content and videos, visit In 2064, solar power and wind power will be have become so cheap that fossil fuel or nuclear power plants will be ancient relics of another era. However, solar

The Electricity Grid Is About To Change… A Lot! Read More 👉

Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action)

In the wake of dire warnings about the future and current threats of global warming and climate change from the US government, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the International Energy Agency (IEA), it’s clear that we need to tackle our illogical fossil fuel addiction fast. It’s critical that we tackle this issue

Climate Science In The Classroom (Fun Climate Education + Climate Action) Read More 👉

Secondary Environmental Benefits of LED Lights Being Investigated

As the cost of production of LED lights continue to decrease, so does the sale price and the reasons for individuals and companies to avoid using them. It is becoming more and more financially viable to invest in LED technology both in the short term and in the long term. Ergo, increasing numbers are enjoying the environmental benefits

Secondary Environmental Benefits of LED Lights Being Investigated Read More 👉

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