
Death By Chocolate

Originally published by NexusMedia. by Marlene Cimons It was predictable that one day Adisa Azapagic, who studies the carbon footprint of various foods, would get around to chocolate. Little was known about the environmental impact of producing that guilt-and swoon-inducing pleasure, and for many, ignorance was bliss. “My husband wasn’t amused when I suggested he consider

Death By Chocolate Read More 👉

Silent Spring Was Published Back In 1962 — Flying-Insect & Bird Populations Have Still Fallen Precipitously Since Then

Rachel Carson’s influential book Silent Spring, which documented the effects of the indiscriminate widespread use of pesticides on the environment, was published back in 1962, nearly 60 years ago now. Since that time, the book has often been cited as one of the drivers behind environmental action and regulation of various kinds. Following the release,

Silent Spring Was Published Back In 1962 — Flying-Insect & Bird Populations Have Still Fallen Precipitously Since Then Read More 👉

Ocean Dead Zones Multiplying Rapidly, Threatening Food Source For Hundreds Of Millions

An ocean dead zone is an area where there is not enough oxygen dissolved in the water to allow aquatic creatures to breath. To put it in perspective, imagine a person locked in a sealed chamber in which the level of oxygen is slowly but steadily decreased until they lie gasping for breath until they

Ocean Dead Zones Multiplying Rapidly, Threatening Food Source For Hundreds Of Millions Read More 👉

What Do You Do If Your Country Is Facing Water Shortages Exacerbated By Climate Change? Pray, Apparently — Israel’s Agriculture Minister Leads Prayers For Water

Much of the Middle East is now slated to essentially turn to desert over the coming decades and centuries owing to climate change, and exacerbated by poor human judgment and short-sighted activities. It bears remembering that much of what is now the Middle East and the Mediterranean was before the human population expansion of the

What Do You Do If Your Country Is Facing Water Shortages Exacerbated By Climate Change? Pray, Apparently — Israel’s Agriculture Minister Leads Prayers For Water Read More 👉

Plant Based “Minced Meat” Being Introduced On A Large Scale in Denmark

Today the largest Danish supermarket retailer Dansk Supermarked Group announced that they are introducing a plant based “minced meat” early next year in 600 stores serving 1.5 million customers across the country. On a Danish scale — with a population of 5.7 million — this is a massive push compared to the already known Impossible Foods who

Plant Based “Minced Meat” Being Introduced On A Large Scale in Denmark Read More 👉

US EPA Approves Monsanto’s “RNA Interference” Insecticide — GMO Maize/Corn Intended To Actively Interfere With The Healthy Functioning Of Pest Genomes

When you think of insecticides you probably think of dangerous chemical compounds that allow modern industrial agriculture (and its high yields) to occur, but that also have some negative effects on the environment and also on human/animal health. The effects of a certain class of insecticides on honeybees, for instance, may well be what comes

US EPA Approves Monsanto’s “RNA Interference” Insecticide — GMO Maize/Corn Intended To Actively Interfere With The Healthy Functioning Of Pest Genomes Read More 👉

Beans For Beef: The Climate Change Initiative That Anyone Can Do

Our #FakePresident has removed the United States for the Paris climate accords, leading some Americans to experience ecoanxiety. That’s a relatively new term that American Psychological Association used to describe the feelings of dread and helplessness the follow from “watching the slow and seemingly irrevocable impacts of climate change unfold, and worrying about the future

Beans For Beef: The Climate Change Initiative That Anyone Can Do Read More 👉

Honeybees Exposed To Real-World Levels Of Neonicotinoids Die Early, Damaging Colony Health, Research Finds

Honeybees that are exposed to field-realistic (real-world, in other words) levels of neonicotinoid pesticides die earlier than those that are not — thereby reducing overall colony health — according to a new study led by York University. “A worker honeybee has been fitted with a RFID on its back so researchers can record when it

Honeybees Exposed To Real-World Levels Of Neonicotinoids Die Early, Damaging Colony Health, Research Finds Read More 👉

Study: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Protects Memory & Capacity To Learn, Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Extra-virgin olive oil consumption protects against the loss of memory and lean ring capacity, and also against the formation of amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain (markers for Alzheimer’s disease), according to new research from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM). The new findings are detailed in a paper

Study: Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Protects Memory & Capacity To Learn, Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease Read More 👉

Splitting The Solar Spectrum Could Produce Power, Food, & Water From The Same Land

Instead of producing solar power on one site, and purifying water on another, and growing food on yet another piece of land, it might be possible to do all three on the same site, which would enable true local sustainability. That’s the gist of a new research paper from a Purdue University research team, which

Splitting The Solar Spectrum Could Produce Power, Food, & Water From The Same Land Read More 👉

Many Insects Resistant To Genetic Manipulation Via CRISPR Editing Tool, Research Finds

Arguments for and against the use of genetic modification techniques in the agricultural and healthcare/disease-prevention sectors typically focus on potential impacts to human health, and/or to wider ecosystems and natural services (a much more important area to watch, in my opinion than human health). My issue with genetic modification and the use of genetically modified

Many Insects Resistant To Genetic Manipulation Via CRISPR Editing Tool, Research Finds Read More 👉

Reforesting the Tropics, Providing Jobs, and Sequestering Carbon: A Trifecta of Sustainability

While there are a lot of moving parts to the global economy, I’d argue that there is one fundamental premise that will have, hand’s down, the greatest influence in determining the fate of humanity, and that is the time horizon of strategizing a particular activity—short term vs. long term thinking. Take any industry, whether it’s

Reforesting the Tropics, Providing Jobs, and Sequestering Carbon: A Trifecta of Sustainability Read More 👉

‘Kombit’ Documents the Struggle to Reforest Haiti (Film Review)

We were recently treated to a preview screening of the film “Kombit” which unpacks the work being done by way of a partnership between the non-profit “Smallholder Farmers Alliance” and the Timberland company in Haiti. Haiti has a major issue with deforestation with over 98% of the nation stripped of trees as a direct result of

‘Kombit’ Documents the Struggle to Reforest Haiti (Film Review) Read More 👉

Compounds That Give Plants Their Vibrant Colors Improve Brain-Functioning In Older Adults, Research Finds

Many people find the bright, vibrant colors of various fruits and vegetables to be culinarily appealing, and an apparent appetite stimulant. Interestingly, new research has suggested that these same compounds, that give plants their visual appeal (to the eyes of humans, and various other animals), help to improve brain-functioning in older adults. The new research,

Compounds That Give Plants Their Vibrant Colors Improve Brain-Functioning In Older Adults, Research Finds Read More 👉

Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) Nutritional Value Can Be Enhanced Through Nitrogen Fertility Management, Research Finds

Common purslane is, despite its public image as a weed in many regions, a very nutritious food item — with the plants being high in a number of different important vitamins and minerals. Notably, common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) possesses higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids than any other leafy green vegetable does. While purslane

Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) Nutritional Value Can Be Enhanced Through Nitrogen Fertility Management, Research Finds Read More 👉

Eating Bugs Helps Curb Both Hunger And Climate Change

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recently suggested that eating bugs (yes, insects) could help feed the world’s fast-growing population. Along these lines, Anna Jansson, professor of animal science at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has shown how nutrient-rich insects can make a big contribution to diet in poor countries. Surprisingly, they can also help

Eating Bugs Helps Curb Both Hunger And Climate Change Read More 👉

CU-Boulder & NREL Scientists Make Ammonia For Fertilizers From Sunlight

A group of scientists led by the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the University of Colorado-Boulder has developed a new, eco-friendly method to produce ammonia, the main ingredient of fertilizers, using light. This study also included researchers from Utah State University (USU) and Montana State University (MSU). Discovery details The

CU-Boulder & NREL Scientists Make Ammonia For Fertilizers From Sunlight Read More 👉

8 Million Lives And $1 Trillion Could Be Saved By Vegan Diet

A research study has found that 8 million human deaths and $1 trillion in healthcare costs each year could be saved if more people adopted a vegan diet. Oxford University researchers examined four different diets and found that vegan one was better for human health and the planet. “We do not expect everybody to become vegan. But climate

8 Million Lives And $1 Trillion Could Be Saved By Vegan Diet Read More 👉

Cooking Data To Hate On Plants

Originally published on Chomping Climate Change. Walking by fruits, vegetables, or other plant material growing in sunshine, the fragrance is often exhilarating.  That’s in part because plant material in sunshine creates oxygen, at the same time as it absorbs greenhouse gas from our atmosphere. But walking by livestock, the opposite happens, either in daylight or nighttime;  there’s normally an unpleasant

Cooking Data To Hate On Plants Read More 👉

Effects of Global Warming on Humans – From 2015 IPCC SYR Data

Not only posing significant risks for Earth’s natural systems, the effects of global warming on humans and human systems have only recently begun receiving the expanded attention they critically require. From hazardous effects causing potential loss of life, injury, or other negative health impacts, to the potential exposure of social, economic, and infrastructure assets to

Effects of Global Warming on Humans – From 2015 IPCC SYR Data Read More 👉

Climate Change-Induced Collapse of Civilization by 2040 Reports UK Foreign Office

Releasing this exclusive freely in the public interest, best-selling author Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is offering a unique view of the critically significant impact that climate change is having on our lives, our livelihoods, and even our likelihood of survival on this planet. Dr Nafeez Ahmed is an international security scholar and investigative journalist, currently serving as a

Climate Change-Induced Collapse of Civilization by 2040 Reports UK Foreign Office Read More 👉

The Vegan Quiche Recipe That Will Probably Make You a Vegan Quiche Addict

Originally published on Eat Drink Better I’m pretty certain that I never once–not ever!–ate quiche. That is, until a few months ago. Eggs were never my thing and quiche sounded way too fancy to bother with anyway. But then I discovered vegan quiche and everything changed. It’s safe to say I’m obsessed. Nowadays, I have

The Vegan Quiche Recipe That Will Probably Make You a Vegan Quiche Addict Read More 👉

Combatting Climate Change With Small Scale Farms

Fair World Project (FWP) has released a new 17 minute documentary highlighting the role of industrial agriculture in climate change, as well as detailing how small scale farms are combating climate change through regenerative organic agriculture. Narrated by Fair World Project’s Political Director Ryan Zinn, the documentary traverses through a series of interviews with activists, farmers,

Combatting Climate Change With Small Scale Farms Read More 👉

Packagers Certified for Forest Diligence, But How About Waste?

Some good news for the world’s forests: assurance that along the entire supply chain, products from Tetra Pak, the world’s leading food processing and packaging company, support forest management with environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable practices. The company produces tetrahedron-shaped paper cartons coated with plastic. Last October, the Swedish corporation launched what’s believed to be the

Packagers Certified for Forest Diligence, But How About Waste? Read More 👉

GMO-Crops Don’t Live Up To The Hype With Regards To Pest Control, Research Shows

New research from the University of Arizona has shown us yet another example of the many ways in which GMO-crops (genetically modified organisms) fail to live up to the hype. In this case, the research found that the efficacy of pest control via GMO-use has been notably exaggerated — and that many assumptions about the

GMO-Crops Don’t Live Up To The Hype With Regards To Pest Control, Research Shows Read More 👉

Community Solar on a Food Coop

Originally published on CleanTechnica. In 1974, a group of San Francisco’s pragmatic idealists, the Food Conspiracy, a grass-roots organization of food-buying clubs committed to buying and distributing wholesale food among themselves, became Other Avenues Worker Cooperative. Its mission is and was “food for the people, not profit.” Other stores expanded out of this group and yet, today,

Community Solar on a Food Coop Read More 👉

Guerrilla Gardener In South Central LA Doesn’t Get Government Love, Is Transforming What It Means To Be Gangster

Food is a problem. Food is the solution. Many urban areas suffering from depression of the economy suffer from the lack of whole food, good foods. A liquor store and a vacant lot are alright. However, try to plant green gardens, so you don’t have to drive 45 minutes to buy something besides fast food

Guerrilla Gardener In South Central LA Doesn’t Get Government Love, Is Transforming What It Means To Be Gangster Read More 👉

EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator — Emergency Water Generator

Those interested in purchasing an atmospheric water generator may want to check out this recent offering from Molecule New Water Technologies* — the EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator. The generators offer a potentially effective means of making oneself “water independent,” as the producers state. They are especially useful in the realm of emergency water supply — where the

EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator — Emergency Water Generator Read More 👉

The Film That Environmental Organizations Don’t Want You To See

According to the filmmakers behind this recent release, this is the film that environmental organizations don’t want you to see, in part because it reveals the truth behind the world’s most destructive industry. That industry is not what you would expect, and in a world of limited resources, it’s surprisingly not nearly as popular of

The Film That Environmental Organizations Don’t Want You To See Read More 👉

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