Don't Let Greenwashing Fool You, Join New "Green Watching" Campaign

Earth Day is right around the corner. And us green bloggers know what that means… tons of greenwashing, ridiculous offers and pitches from non-green companies trying to pretend they are green, millions of dollars spent on “green” marketing and advertising (but not necessarily on greening our goods), and, oh yeah, some awareness-raising around important environmental topics and how to go green.

On the one hand, companies using Earth Day to talk to consumers about important environmental issues do draw broader attention to problems that need immediate solutions, like the climate crisis. Given that a large percentage of the country is confused about even simple environmental and climate science topics and how to go green, this is clearly important. On the other hand, however, most of them can’t easily distinguish the greenwashers from the green leaders.

The truth is, however, “Green Watching” actually isn’t that complicated. People just need to know where these companies stand, and then urge them to improve (show them that we really care about green issues, not just lip service). With Earth Day only a few months away, it’s critical we urge companies to match their environmental messaging with actions that address climate change and other critical environmental issues.

If you’re a climate-conscious consumer ready to stop corporate greenwashing, join Climate Counts’ new Green Watching campaign and follow its work on Facebook and Twitter.

Specifically, the Green Watching campaign will focus on the companies Climate Counts scores in the Media, Apparel, Electronics, Food Products, and Internet/Software sectors (which combined had over $1.2 trillion in 2010 revenues). The goal of the campaign is simple: to inform you about the climate action (or inaction) of the companies behind the greenwashing and green marketing, encourage you to make informed choices, and finally, urge you to raise your voices both to the companies and to your friends.

Special thanks to Climate Counts for contributing to this article.

Related Stories:

1. Saying Thank You to Climate Leaders Worth Over $1 Trillion
2. Climate Counts’ Striding Shoppers Campaign

Image Credit: Climate Counts

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