WindAid Wind Turbine Kickstarter Campaign Ends Soon

WindAidWindaid Institute is a non-profit in Peru that specializes in installing wind turbines for communities without access to the electrical grid. Its mission is simple — Light Up A Life by bringing electricity to those without it. “How we light up a life can be achieved several ways, be it with the basic provision of light, powering computers for schools, providing electricity for water pumps to give running water to homes or for small businesses to operate and increase local employment.”

About 37% of Peru’s rural population has no access to the electrical grid. In remote areas, a connection is difficult and expensive. Diesel generators are costly and cause pollution. Candles are a poor source of reliable lighting.

Peru is already suffering the direct impacts of climate change. Luckily, much of the country has access to abundant sunshine, making solar power an excellent choice.  Peru also has the benefit of consistent winds, which make electricity from wind turbines a realistic choice as well.

For the last 10 years, WindAid has been working to electrify rural communities with wind energy. This type of local renewable electricity is easy and quick to install and has a clear and measurable impact for the recipients. WindAid now have over 50 wind turbines installed in coastal communities from Piura in the north, to Lima on the central coast and across the Peruvian Andes from Cajamarca to Huaraz.

WindAid has many projects planned to install more turbines but needs a network of regional hubs to make those plans a reality. Those hubs will serve as local training centers to teach people how to install and maintain wind turbines. They also will have facilities to house volunteers close to where the new projects will take place. The town of Playa Blanca has been chosen as the site for the first of these regional hubs.

Donations are now being solicited on Kickstarter. WindAid needs to raise $35,000 to construct the first local training and installation hub. Please visit the  site to make a contribution. The campaign ends July 4, so please don’t delay.

Your donation will help WindAid continue its important work. It’s about more than just setting up another wind turbine. When it is used to power a school or community center, it can run lights and computers to benefit the education of children and adults.  It can power homes, so people can work safely at night or children can do their school work.


WindAid is all about education. It teaches people about the power of green technology and the benefits of renewable energy. It helps develop future leaders who are aware of alternative energy sources and the economic benefits they provide.

It encourages micro-entrepreneurs and helps provide work and jobs in remote communities. Creating sustainable jobs in new green industries will give people the power to feed and educate their children. The local community is involved in every WindAid Institute project to encourage participation and promote and sense of ownership of the wind turbines long after the volunteers have left.

Please consider making a donation to WindAid’s Kickstarter campaign today.



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