[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KTI9cGapzk&w=425&h=349]
Has Santorum covered all his right-wing talking points on global warming? Let check:
- The Earth gets warmer, the Earth gets cooler – history points out that it does that √ (Climate cycles!)
- CO2 is a trace gas √ (Really? Who knew?)
- There are many natural forcings to climate: El Nino, La Nina, sunspots, moisture in the air √ (though to be sure, Santorum didn’t use that fancy, schmancy phrase natural forcings)
- It’s an opportunity for the left to control your life √ (By God, we’ll control them through climate change! Quick! Gas up the black helicopters!)
- Climate science is junk science √ (Spoken like a true junk science aficionado)
Yep, it’s pretty much all there. Rick Santorum for president! Take that, Mitt Romney.
He doesn’t believe the overwhelming number of scientists who say we have a man-made problem, but he believes the bible’s idiocies?