How Do Humans Cause Global Warming?

Congratulate yourself for wanting to learn more about the main cause of global warming. Not only does our species create huge problems that are beyond the ability of other animals to create, but we have the fortunate ability to analyze them and work to bring an end to their consequences. You are now actively engaged in that process!

Humans cause global warming with our unique ability to capture and use energy from stored energy sources. No other animal can start fires or build gasoline engines.

Consider your home and the environment in which it is situated. The very fact that you live in one place, something that was quite uncommon before the discovery of stored energy sources like fossil fuels, speaks to how your life is facilitated by these unique energy sources.

Even your basic needs are dependent on fossil fuels. Your water, food, and fuel for heating and cooking likely travel hundreds if not thousands of miles to your home.

This pattern couldn’t be sustained if humans didn’t have the ability to exploit dense energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. However, their discovery transformed the face of the earth and the nature of humans.

The effects on earth are dangerous. In the last 150 years, the human population has grown by more than five times and the average person uses more energy than ever. This energy comes largely from fossil fuels, the use of which is a direct and important cause of global warming.

Global Warming is a Growing Problem

The growth of the human population and the growth of consumption adds up to an ever-escalating carbon output. You’ve probably heard a lot of talk about global warming, but if we want to decrease global warming, then the amount of carbon released each year by humans must be drastically reduced.

Human Consumption or Human Population?

Two factors are acting as catalysts of increased carbon levels in our atmosphere:

  • Increasing consumption among the wealthy (that means you!)
  • Increasing population among the poor

You may wonder which is the primary culprit. The answer is clear – both! Consider the following:

  • Americans consume 300 – 600 times as much as people in very poor nations, in some cases.
  • 70 million people are added to the world’s population each year, many of whom aspire to live “better” lives, to consume like wealthy people.

From this it becomes clear why humans are the main cause of global warming. However, it is even more important for you to understand that you have the power to help prevent global warming from getting worse — live The Green Life.

Related Stories:
1. 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds [VIDEO]
2. Humans Cause Global Warming: 10 Indicators
3. 119 One-Liners to Respond to Climate Science Myths
4. Going Green Tips

Image Credit: AZRainman

20 thoughts on “How Do Humans Cause Global Warming?”

  1. Honestly, there’s nothing confusing here. 97% of scientists studying the climate have come to the conclusion that the matter is settled. The remaining few each have their own wacky ideas and don’t even agree with each other. There is no global political conspiracy. Come on, don’t go off into looney land. The physics of greenhouse gases is extremely clear and has been known for over a century. Just as the tobacco industry tried to delay realization that smoking causes cancer, the oil & coal industries are doing the same with the burning of fossil fuels. It’s a sad state of affairs that about half the population believes the fossil fuel industries and their talking heads while only about half believe the scientists. Crazy.

  2. But it’s now happening faster than ever before!! That’s what makes it bad. In-fact we are speeding up the process 333,000 times faster than if it would happen at a natural pace.

  3. You are fucking stupid! First you say it does exist then you say it doesn’t exist. You have shit for brains.

  4. We are not going to die you idiot. It will just make life harder. But other species will certainly go extinct.

  5. well well you fucking fools who think human poapulation is not contributing to thhe global warming LISTEN FOOLS ever heard of mathematics? if you grow in numbers you consume more and consumption by humand beings who have multiplied like hell means more residue more waiste more co2 etc and cutting down more rain forests { the lungs of your mother earth} digging all the fucking coal and petroliaum and changing it into co2 and co list can go on and on and on…. earth has been rendered inefficient to recycle co2 naturally. trilions of chickens and billions of cattle millions of cars and trillions of home electric appliances use less sense less plastic products and the rest are all mathematically contributing sources of immence magnitude.
    postpone your fucking desires live grsaaroots produce no more than a single baby fuck your greed, plant YES

  6. Global warming does exist. People and scients say this because of many problems like a growing ozone hole over Antarctica or the melting ice caps. I think this is true because humans damage our ozone layer with many things, and the less ozone we have to protect us from the sun the more heat and UV rays we get that cause these problems. These problems can include: carbon emmisions from cars and factories, CFC’s from airisol cans, and deforestation as a matter-a-fact has to do with global warming because trees reduce CO2 and the less trees we have, the more CO2 we have damaging the ozone layer. This is proof that explains the existance and the effects of global warming.

  7. Alright. There is no non political science evedence that sais humans are causing global warming. In fact, there is exactly the oppisite. 75% of professional scientist sertified by the UN say that humans are not the primary cause of global warming. Global warming is a natural cycle of the earth scine the start of time. According to the EPA the atmosphere does not not have enough compasity for C02 to heat the earth. And how come the years following WWII when the C02 levels were almost triple of what they are now due to the reconstruction of half the world the world was affraid of global cooling. And did you know that most countries in Africa are affarid of Global cooling right now.

  8. Okay. So definately we are not the only ones causing global warming. There are so many natrual cause like changes in our planets orbit and tilt and interglacier periods. We shouldnt burden this all on ourselves. What we really need to do is cut back on what really isn’t necessary. I know we all cant be like Leonardo De’caprio who lives in a major eco-friendly house but we can still help!!! we need to think before we turn on our fire places just because we are a little chilly… 12% of carbon dioxide emissions come from our BUILDINGS!!!! im saying this to everyone, think about the things YOU could do to help!!!!

  9. So now we know!! “Global Warming” is all our fault?!!
    Whatever shall we do ?? Well, we might as well all kill ourselves!! That should solve it!! I cannot believe people actually think that it’s “Global Warming” that will destroy the earth!! WAKE UP!!! There is NO SUCH THING as Global Warming!! What do we breathe out? CO2
    which means we should stop breathing?? What about plants
    ?? They “breathe” in CO2 emissions, so if we stop CO2, we will kill off the human-race?!! Good idea, eh??!
    Climate Change happens all the time. It was happening long before man came along!!

  10. This reminds of the old Patsy Cline (authored by Willie Nelson) Crazy……… I will burn my ancient oak wood on my barbeque and cook my beef in your honor. If you got them burn them.

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