Sir Paul McCartney said those who don’t believe in global warming are similar to those who don’t believe there was a Holocaust.
I’m a huge Beatles fan. Not only were the band members amazing songwriters and musicians, but they were vocal activists as well. John Lennon is best known for promoting peace while Sir Paul McCartney is known to be a passionate green campaigner.
In a recent, exclusive interview with The Sun, Sir Paul spoke candidly about the oil disaster in the Gulf, commercial whaling and President Barack Obama. But it was one comment in particular that has sent the global-warming-is-a-scam proponents into a tizzy.
Sir Paul compared the global warming naysayers to the Holocaust debunkers.
The former Beatle was searching for the silver lining behind the environmental catastrophe caused by the BP oil leak. He believes that the search for clean, renewable energy will be accelerated stating…
“Sadly we need disasters like this to show people. Some people don’t believe in climate warming – like those who don’t believe there was a Holocaust.
But the facts indicate that there’s something going on and we’ve got to be aware of it if we want our kids to inherit a decent world, not a complete nightmare of a planet – clean, renewable energy is for starters.”
Whoops, there it is! And the conservative media was quick to jump all over it. turned to its go-to guy on global warming Chris Horner, a senior fellow at Competitive Enterprise Institute, who chimed in with…
“Was Posh Spice unavailable? I’ve seen quite a few reasons to look elsewhere than actors and crooners for deep thoughts on weighty policy matters. And this is certainly one of them.”
First of all, comparing a Beatles legend to Posh Spice is blasphemous, and secondly, Horner is not a scientist… he’s an attorney.
So what do you think? Did Sir Paul step over the environmental line or was he just telling it like it is?
Follow Cindy Tickle on Twitter @ethicalbiz
Image Credit: bluecherry74 via Flickr under a CC license
@Northpal, if you haven’t gotten the message, numerous independent studies have found that the science, data, and findings are strong & real & something we need to work to address before it causes countless deaths