Gore is a Liar and NBC has Capitulated to the Tree-Hugging Left

head-in-sand-5001.gifThose are the conclusions of one Dr. Dave Mason, owner of a tech site, Dave Mason.com, and host of his own syndicated tech-oriented radio program. It would appear the good “doctor’s” environmental stethoscope has been misplaced into some dark region, and his environmental view small enough to fit through the eye of a needle.

Now don’t mistake this as a personal attack on Dr. Dave, far from it. He is an honorable man with an impeccable past, a fierce defender of family values and all around good guy. I have nothing but the utmost respect for him. He is entitled to his opinion, and I respect that.

The attitude I’m referring to is best seen in two recent articles by Dr. Dave in his Truth Blog. One post is entitled “NBC’s Sunday Night Football becomes overt left propogandist”, and the other is, “Gore, outright liar, calls dissenting Scientists outlyers”. Besides his vituperative attack on NBC and the individuals involved in the broadcast, he apparently believes that global warming is a myth, at least as proclaimed by Al Gore, scientists and other notables, and that environmentalists are nut cases, or at least badly misinformed.

You’ll have to read his stuff rather than my trying to paraphrase in order to get the full impact of his attacks. Here’s my question to all those people who seem to think the planet is doing just fine, thank you, and that all this posturing about global warming is egocentric, politically inspired, a commercial ploy or any other conspiracy oriented claptrap you can dream up. Is all this acrimony purposely diverting our attention away from real issues, or merely our normal human need to choose up sides and pick a fight, or better yet, stand back, feed the controversy, and let you and him fight?

So, what are the alternatives to this mess we live in, or does the right wing crowd even see one? I’ve heard them say that private industry should be trusted to clean up their own environmental messes, not the government. Golly, haven’t they done well over the past century? God help us if we turn them loose today.

I saw a special on one of the cable programs about the sun and it’s contribution to climate change on earth. One theory is that changes on the sun helped bring about the little ice age of several centuries ago. It’s also been proven that the earth has more than once suddenly turned over and relocated the poles to the equatorial region. The Sahara was once a lush and green paradise, and the list goes on about mother nature’s handling of her domain.

The earth is a living thing, and may be in the throes of some natural change, while reeling from the indignities we’ve imposed upon it for decades. We must remember that we’re guests on this rock, and I wonder if mother nature isn’t telling us that we’ve been naughty little boys and girls.

So why not just use some common sense and support cleaning the air we breathe? I know my failing lungs would appreciate it, and what about the polluted streams and rivers, water aquifers and damage to the earth itself as the result of decades of indiscriminate dumping of toxic wastes and depletion of it’s finite resources? After all, we have children, grandchildren and future generations to consider, not to mention ourselves as long as we take a breath and drink a glass of water.

I’m reminded of a cartoon I saw recently where a man was standing outside a ramshackle building, obviously beyond repair, the yard filled with trash and overgrown with weeds. With a huge smile on his face and a regal sweep of his arm he proclaimed to his son; “someday, all of this will be yours.” Is that who we are? I hope not.

Now before you say it, I’m not suggesting that we all hug, hold hands and dance through the woods singing kumbiya. I may be a liberal but I’m certainly not unrealistic. In spite of all the negativity, things are being done about our environment. People are creating new, sustainable ways of powering their homes, businesses and vehicles. There’s a mountain of research underway to find alternatives to depleting the planet’s finite resources and to eventually find clean, non-polluting ways of dealing with our waste products. Cleaner air is coming too, your lungs will love us for that.

so, live with it anti-environmentalists, huff and puff, uncork all the snide remarks you have, slay us with your sarcasm, whine away, pick your fights and give it your best shots, the change is underway. Whether you’ll ever appreciate, acknowledge or even be aware of it, the world will be a cleaner, safer place for you, your children and their children.

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