You Can Still Donate To WindAid Institute

Just a week ago, we told you about a Kickstarter campaign for WindAid Institute, which helps bring clean renewable energy to rural sections of Peru that may be hundreds of miles from the nearest electrical grid. Not only does WindAid bring electrical power to those who have never had it before, it also teaches local people about climate change and the benefits of renewable energy.

WindAid fund raising campaign

Unfortunately, the Kickstarter campaign did not reach its goal before it ended. But people did pledge $22,000. That was enough to get the WindAid folks pretty excited. “We had a last minute rush of pledges, which was amazing and got us just shy of $22,000 but unfortunately we didn’t make it,” says Beth Brown of of WindAid.

“First off, thank you!!” says Nick in Peru. “We just ran the most successful funding campaign WindAid Institute has ever done. I am so proud of the team that put this together, and all of the supporters who pushed us to $21,994 pledged in less than four weeks! That being said, as you all know, we did not meet our goal of $35,000 raised on Kickstarter by July 4th.

“Regardless of the number, I am proud to have a team that knows that this massive project launching on Kickstarter was just the first step, and the Playa Blanca Wind Workshop will continue going up! We have already started building the Wind Workshop with the few funds we had to dedicate to it before campaigning, and the community has already started to use it!

“The budget that we were pushing for on Kickstarter of $35,000 included Kickstarter fees, shipping fees, and costs for the rewards. If we were to get the $22,000 that was pledged as pure donations we would be able to construct the rest of the workshop, install running water, and wind power electricity. That money would even cover a composting toilet, and a grey water vegetable garden. And of course, a fully outfitted workshop for servicing, testing, and constructing wind turbines, all with clean renewable energy!

“Including the cash we raised with a couple parties over the weekend, and donations that have come in directly to PayPal since Kickstarter closed last night, we already have $3,003 in hand dedicated to the Wind Workshop. We have also had a flury of backers ask us how to continue to support the project with direct donations. If each of you who have messaged us were to donate directly, that is another $8,760 dollars towards the Kickstarter project.

“We still need your support to make this Wind Workshop the best possible center for the community of Playa Blanca, and judging by the response, you guys are as stoked about the project as we are! If you would like to donate directly, we accept PayPal donations, and direct bank transfers.”

I have made a contribution. Won’t you please join me in supporting this very worthy cause? You can also donate directly online at the WindAid Institute website. Thank you. Your generosity is sincerely appreciated.


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