Whale Wars Continuing on Animal Planet, Chance to be a "Whale Warrior"

Paul Watson of Animal Planet's Whale Wars Series

I think our readers are quite familiar with Whale Wars. From prior to the Whale Wars first season premiere to Japan accusing Animal Planet of ecoterrorism to whale-sized marshmallows to Japanese whalers sinking a $2 million Sea Shepherd boat to exclusive interviews, we’ve covered Whale Wars in a ton of posts, several of which have been some of our site’s most popular.

Of course, the popularity of these posts is largely due to the great popularity of the show itself. As Discovery says, Whale Wars is “one of Animal Planet’s most talked-about, best-performing and award-winning series in the network’s history.”

Animal Planet recently announced that it has signed on to follow the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s next whale defense campaign in Antarctica. This will be the fourth season of this controversial television series.

“The Sea Shepherd’s campaign – dubbed Operation No Compromise – kicks off from Australia in December and is expected to run through the end of February.  Produced by The Lizard Trading Company, the fourth season of WHALE WARS will begin airing in early June on Animal Planet.”

As I’ve reported previously, star of Avatar and Lost Michelle Rodriguez is also going to be joining the Sea Shepherds in Antarctica.


Additionally, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is hosting a contest on YouTube for an opportunity to be on the crew of one of its boats.

Enjoy the next Whale Wars season and stay tuned to Planetsave for more news on this series and other activist efforts.

Photo Credit: Whale Warrior Paul Watson, by flickr user guano under a CC license

6 thoughts on “Whale Wars Continuing on Animal Planet, Chance to be a "Whale Warrior"”

  1. Would love to go out and help Paul and all the whale warriors but I am afraid I would have an extreme case of sea sickness……….lol!!!

  2. I condemn the international whaling commission for ever allowing any country hunt maximum 900 whales/year. I’d rather know nothing of these precious whales than seeing and allowing slaugter for “Research Purposes”! I stand by my opinion that this is wrong, and No international commission or organization can make it right and justifiable in any way.

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