The 120-year-old lobster was out the door and heading towards freedom, but then an obstinate UPS driver wouldn’t agree to give the lobster’s box careful handling on its way back to the Atlantic.
Craig the 20-pound lobster made headlines after PETA asked Brooklyn restaurant owner Gina Ng to allow the animal to be released back into the wild. But yesterday, when PETA volunteers and a UPS driver arrived to take Craig away, the plan fell apart.
The PETA volunteers didn’t have much in common with Ng — in fact, the restaurant owner offered the vegan activists fish sushi when they arrived — but all were concerned for Craig’s well-being in the UPS truck. The driver said he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t place other boxes on top of the lobster’s, so they sent him on his way without Craig.
“The UPS man wasn’t compassionate at all,” said Ng. “I just thought, there’s no way we can leave him with this guy. We can’t trust him. It’s horrible.”
Although quite the let-down for all the on-lookers who came to see the lobster embark towards freedom, the PETA volunteers took the opportunity to remind people that lobsters likely feel a great deal of pain when boiled alive.
PETA is now looking for a volunteer to drive the animal back to the sea. Craig should be back in the ocean by tonight.
Via: The Brooklyn Paper Photo Credit: loop_oh on Flickr under Creative Commons license.