Top Activism & Politics Stories (Videos)

Other than the terrific piece new Planetsave writer and activist Kate Follot just wrote — Hundreds Arrested (Including Me) in DC: The Protest Against the Keystone XL Pipeline and Why the Uproar — and other activism news we’ve covered, here are some more top activism stories (and videos) of the past few days.

Activists around the world are doing participating in great action related to transportation, the tar sands, climate change, animals, nature, food, and more. Check out these stories:


  1. Bamboo Bike Project {Green NGO Highlighted}
  2. Neon Bicycles Pop Up in Toronto and Defy the Mayor
  3. Rapid Response Grant supports Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s progress in bike share campaign

Air, Animals, & Nature

  1. Take action this fall to breathe easy!
  2. Activists prepare for battle to save countryside from the developers
  3. Android App Locates Endangered Species Wherever You Are
  4. Take a Stand Against Overuse of Antibiotics in Animal Production
  5. New badger crime operation
  6. Public tells medical research charities: Don’t use our money for animal experiments
  7. Children & Nature Network {Green NGO Highlighted}

Renewable Energy

  1. Finally!! Someone Explains Wind Energy’s Real Wildlife Connection
  2. Fox’s The Five Averages One Distortion Per Minute In Assault On Clean Energy
  3. Maryland Citizens Explain Reasons For Their Arrest in Support of Wind Energy


  1. Slow Food Challenge: Plan A Healthy Meal For $5 And You Could Win!
  2. Amazing Ad Watch: “DDT Is Good For Me-e-e”
  3. Take a Stand Against Overuse of Antibiotics in Animal Production

Tar Sands

  1. Protests Over Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Enter Third Day in DC
  2. Tar Sands Impact on Climate Change
  3. New video about the Tar Sand Action by Josh Fox (creator of Gasland)
  4. Why we should block the Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline – Sen. Bernie Sanders
  5. Answering the Call: Protests Continue at the White House Against Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
  6. Photo Essay on Canada’s Filthy Tar Sands – This Is Why Keystone XL Must Be Stopped
  7. Keystone XL Tar Sands Action Day Four: Montanans Sit In

Climate Change

  1. Republican Presidential Candidates on Climate Change
  2. Climate Secret: NSF Quietly Closes Out Inspector General Investigation with Complete Vindication of Michael Mann
  3. Rick Perry Is Trying To Make Climate Denial A Faith-Based Issue
  4. Chris Christie Pulls A Romney: Says ‘Climate Change Is Real’ While Vetoing Climate Action
  5. Denmark sentences Greenpeace activists for Copenhagen stunt
  6. Supermodels Take It Off For Climate Change –
  7. D. R. Tucker: Can the GOP Face Climate Reality? (or any reality?)
  8. Conservatives on Climate: Conversation with Chris Mooney
  9. Bill McKibben Interview: How Big Denial Keeps us from Connecting the Dots
  10. Fox News Admits the Facts Back Man-Made Global Warming (Video)


  1. Adidas needs to earn its stripes by championing a toxic-free future
  2. Koch-Funded Montana Events Crashed By Local Citizens Demanding That Big Oil Pay Its Fair Share
  3. Huntsman Mocks Bachmann $2 Gas Promise As Not From ‘The Real World’
  4. If You Are Anti-Science, You Are Anti-Jobs
  5. BART police clamp down on second week of protest

Front Page Photo via Bamboo Bike Project Blog

2 thoughts on “Top Activism & Politics Stories (Videos)”

  1. NO oil drilling in Alaska!
    No coal mining!
    No mountain top mining!
    No gas fracturing!
    No gas drilling!
    No oil Pipelines anywhere!
    Leave Alaska alone!
    No plastic’s no pollution No poison’s
    No nuclear power stations! No atomic nothing!
    Come on America! Stand up and voice your opinion!
    Don’t set on your butts and let these big companies kill us all off, cause that is exactly what they are doing! Tell Obama NO NO NO NO NO
    Get Darrah Hanna out of Jail!!!!!
    Say NO to Oil.. say no to gas, say no to coal, say no to nuclear…..GO GREEN GO GREEN GO GREEN

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