Sea Shepherd Now has Former US Navy Lieutenant Onboard

We’ve covered Sea Shepherd and their new television show “Whale Wars” quite a bit the past couple months, and while we love the organization and the show, we must admit that we cringe every time they make a disastrous mistake on the TV show. But things are looking brighter for the next season, being filmed currently: Sea Shepherd has brought along a former US Navy Lieutenant, Jane Taylor.

Taylor was also recently honored by PETA for being the sexiest vegetarian in the US Navy along with other sexy vegetarians in other branches of the military. While Sea Shepherd seems to try to keep an organized ship, I bet it’ll seem like more of a cruise ship compared to her former adventures at sea.

To all those who comment on this blog and others asserting that Sea Shepherd is a terrorist group, do you now think that this decorated Naval officer is a terrorist?


Photo Courtesy of PETA

13 thoughts on “Sea Shepherd Now has Former US Navy Lieutenant Onboard”

  1. Terrorism: n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

    I believe Japanese Whalers exploit loopholes in the international maritime law to further their own agenda, and by doing so are opportunistic and morally wrong.

    However, I also believe that Sea Shepherd, although well meaning in that they want to protect animals (which is very admirable) and enforce treaties/ int’l maritime laws. They go about it in much the same way as many others have (Tim McVeigh). Tim had a valid opinion but I don’t condone violent acts in defense of his position or violent acts as a means to an end.

    I couldn’t begin to tell Sea Shepherd how to get to their own goal in a way that would satisfy them (and Cpt Watson)however I do know that being condemned by the IWC and losing “observer” status doesn’t bode well, not to mention their long history of violence. Also a US citizen is now wanted in connection w/ acts of eco-terrorism *SOURCE* ( )

    I do not know the level of Lt. Taylor’s involvement but i would suppose that if she engaged directly in terrorist acts (as defined by the definition of the word) than she would also be by association either:

    1. Providing material support to an organization engaging in eco-terrorism

    2. contributing to or carrying out terrorist acts


    This of course would only be appropriate after review by appropriate judicial authorities and the laws of the high seas.

    I’m not to sure what to make of either side although I know that unprovoked action (the whalers did not directly attack to the best of my knowledge the Steve Irvin) against an entity in such a manner may be construed as illegal by some courts.

  2. I believe anyone associated with sea shepherd is a terrorist. I do not like the health care bill so should I go harass and destroy the property of the senators and congress members who voted for it? I think the Japanese should hire people to harass and disable the ships from sea shepherd.

  3. i keep hoping one of their maritime blunders will result in the ship finding the bottom of the sea and maybe freeing up an hour of animal planet airtime to show something cool like snakebite victims racing to the hospital or animal control officers busting some democrat who tied his dog up to a tree and forgot to feed him for three weeks. but alas they somehow manage to keep their ship afloat for another episode. ah well, time to beg off so i can go flip the whale steaks i’ve got on the grill. mmm, mmm good!

  4. They are terrorists, BUT they need to turn themselves into terrorists to stop these murderers. I believe in them and think that they are doing a great service to the world. REMEMBER!!! They are terrorists, hooligans, and pirates. What these japs are doing is completely legal on paper so its legal to the world. They have only one choice and it is to be terrorists!!!!

  5. There are far greater things to be protesting about than a few whales a year. Every day there are babies dying by the thousands at the hands of so-called doctors. Why do people ignore their conscience and replace it with animal activism instead?

    Both the whalers and the Sea Shepard are in the wrong. Each in their own unique ways but it still does not give either of them the right to commit a heinous act on the high seas. It’s a shameful waste of life, time, money and fundamentally all for not.

  6. These people are heroes of our environment period. They are putting their lives on the line to protect the most majestic creatures on our planet wirth every resourse available to them. The spoiled brats and namby pambys that poo poo their accomplishments sitting at a computer, are pathetic.
    As a kid in Africa I learned to use a sling (David & Golliath style) This is the technique that the crew of the sea sheppard should use for delivering there stinky presents to the murdering Japanese. How can I volunteer? Even the smallest of crew could learn to throw farther and more accurately than anyones best throw. A

  7. The japanese whaling ships are wrong.

    The Sea Shephard is likewise wrong… engaged in dangerous / unsafe activities on the high seas bordering on eco-terrorism…

    Its only a matter of time before someone gets killed in this sensational exercise – ill contrived to generate publicity for a good cause – gone wrong.

  8. Wow, what the hell is wrong with people. So a group of willing heroes (in my book) go out to sea in sub zero temperatures for months at a time to do what they feel is right and ass rags that sit on a coach feel compelled to call them terrorists and say the Sea Shephard is more like a cruise ship? So we let illegal whaling continue and do nothing more than bust on the people that actually get out there and risk their lives for a noble cause. Jane Taylor is a personal friend that served her time honorably in the Navy. Who ever feels like disrespecting a person that gave almost a decade of her life to serve our country should get out from behind their computer and protest the next Veterans Day in front of the White House. I will make sure I am there to see the aftermath…

  9. I personally served with Jane Taylor in the Navy. I can speak from experience that she did an excellent job and left her last ship under positive circumstances. She is dedicated to her principals not only maintaining her vegetarianism while at sea (not an easy task) but also converting several of her peers.

    Simply completing a degree from the Naval Academy is a difficult accomplishment. I will give her the benefit of doubt that she will have only a positive influence on the operations of the Sea Shepherd.

  10. What they are doing may not be piracy or terrorism by the difinition of the words. What they are doign is illegal according to maritime law. They should be charged and prosecuted accordingly.

  11. I do not believe the Japanese whaling industry to be 100% innocent. I do believe the actions of the Sea Shepherd crew to be illegal and they can be justly labeled terrorist. I also feel that Japanese Whalers have a right to defend themselves in international waters. I’d pay to see them get even with you. I’d like to see them harass you, fowl your decks, and disable your vessel. It is reported that the Japanese Whaling Industry lost 70 million this year. I hope they sue you for their losses. They can use the video from Whale Wars as evidence.

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