Planetsave Reader Survey!!

Survey can be filled out at the bottom of this page, and is also linked here and in the last paragraph (make sure to click “Done” when finished).

We’ve got thousands of subscribers on RSS, thousands of followers on Facebook (yes, that’s our Facebook page), nearly a thousand of followers on Twitter, thousands of email subscribers, and tons more daily readers who just come straight to our site or even have our site set as their homepage. But, beyond some basic demographic information, what we’ve learned from the handful of readers we’ve gotten to know quite well, and what we can glean from examining which posts get popular and how you respond to them, we don’t know much about you!

I’d like to learn more about:

  1. what topics, in particular, you are interested in;
  2. what type and # of posts you’d most like to see on Planetsave;
  3. anything else that is on your mind.

So, I’ve created a little survey on Survey Monkey & if you would like to have more influence over what is covered on Planetsave, and how it is covered, I’d love to get your input. Please take the 1-3 minutes you probably need to complete the survey.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

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