Wow, no joke. Connecting the dots, the religious right solves this freak occurrence we were struggling with for weeks.
Related Stories:
1. Mass Bird Deaths, Fish Deaths from Earth’s Magnetic Polar Shifts?
2. Mass Bird & Fish Deaths Caused by Hydraulic Fracking & Earthquakes?
3. ‘Pole Flips’, Earth Wobbles, Bird Deaths and ‘End Times’ [VIDEO]
Front Page Photo Credit: Mike Licht,
First of all my God (Jesus) will not judge a bird, cow or fish for mans sin. Also someone needs to inform her that Women are not to be pastor’s, thats also against the Bible. It’s idiots like this that give us Christians a bad name. My God teaches me NOT to judge other’s and Love ALL people. I also hate to break the news to her but Jesus died for the “Gays” too, he loves them just as much as he loves me. It breaks my heart to see these so called Christians speak hate toward other’s in the name of Jesus. Sad.