IWC Voting on Whale Hunting Moratorium Next Week

Tell President Obama to vote “no”on commercial-whaling at the International Whaling Commission’s annual meeting next week.

This is it! It’s the final hour. If you don’t want to see the international commercial-whaling moratorium come to an end, now is the time to make your voice heard. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is meeting from June 21-25 in Agadir, Morocco to decide the fate of commercial whaling around the globe.

In 1986, the IWC approved a moratorium on commercial whaling, but the number of whales killed annually has been rising to nearly 1,700 last year from 300 in 1990. The reason… the three whaling nations, Japan, Norway and Iceland have either opted out of the treaty or claimed to be taking whales only for legitimate scientific study. Basically, the three countries are exploiting loopholes to continue illegal whaling activities, which unfortunately, may now become legal.

The highly controversial proposal would allow the three whaling countries to continue hunting whales for the next 10 years, although in reduced numbers. Some believe the compromise could ultimately lead to a ban on whaling while others believe the new quotas are not based on scientific research.

Even celebrities such as Pierce Brosnan has asked us to call the Obama Administration to stop the new proposal. As of right now, it appears President Obama supports the deal to re-open commercial whaling for the first time in over two decades. So if this is an important issue to you, call the White House at 202-456-1111 or write the President or better yet – do both.

Not surprisingly Greenpeace has also started a petition to hold President Obama to his 2008 promise,

“As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership… including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling.”

It’s an all-hands-on-deck moment to preserve the international moratorium and save the whales.

Follow Cindy Tickle on Twitter @ethicalbiz
Image Credit: dalli58 via flickr under a CC license

10 thoughts on “IWC Voting on Whale Hunting Moratorium Next Week”

  1. In your opinion, is it okay to kill ugly animals? Or are there other, more rational reasons to uphold the moratorium? If you are concerned about animal welfare, I would think it pertinent to petition Obama about the 70 million pigs living under questionable conditions in the US pig farming industry. Or perhaps worry about aquatic mammals being killed by US shipping and fisheries, the impact of which vastly outweighs whaling.

  2. it a bloody low act top do this top a near endangered wildlife ,if you want meat kill humans as they are in plag numbers

  3. Guys, given your interest in this issue, I thought you'd like to know about this video we've developed with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to raise awareness of this issue; We've also created an e-protest so would love your support;

    Here is an article which features our activity. Please help us by showing your support by spreading the word and supporting the cause. The petition is here The film we’ve made features model, Alice Dellal, narration from actor Christopher Eccleston and music from The Horrors. The each e-protest made will be sent directly to the most high profile supporters in favour of the plan to lift the ban, which surprisingly include Barack Obama and the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

    My recent post US Congress Calls On President Obama To Say No To Whaling

  4. Yes this international whale hunting must stop.They are beautiful creatures and must be allowed to live out their lives unhindered.They too play an important part in the balance of nature.
    Greedy countries like Japan want their body parts for commercial things for beautifying women like lipstick for example..Michael ,North London

    1. In your opinion, is it okay to kill ugly animals? Or are there other, more rational reasons to uphold the moratorium? If you are concerned about animal welfare, I would think it pertinent to petition Obama about the 70 million pigs living under questionable conditions in the US pig farming industry. Or perhaps worry about aquatic mammals being killed by US shipping and fisheries, the impact of which vastly outweighs whaling.

  5. This issue is so intensely crucial right now. So many people distracted by their own lives may not realize or understand how important this vote is to us NOW and to future generations. The Oil Spill in the Gulf should bring ALL ocean issues front and center. There should be no excuse for letting this slide. President Obama MUST be held accountable for his campaign mission and promise to STRENGTHEN the moratorium the hunting of whales and their families in the open ocean. PLEASE call and write. It only took me 12 minutes out of my day to do both. Even if you don't realize how important this is NOW…..go ahead and do the right thing anyway! Hindsight is 20/20 and can be incredibly heartbreaking and ugly.

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