Everyone has heard about the beautifully romantic city that is Venice, and sometimes we even get to see inside the city thanks to movies like The Italian Job and Casino Royale. However this beautiful image taken by Ikonos-2, a commercial satellite that provides panchromatic and multispectral high-resolution imagery for the European Space Agency shows us another, but just as spectacular view of the city.
Taken on the 22 of June, 2008, this image shows the stunning layout of the floating city. Snaking through the central districts of the city is the Grand Canal, with the Santa Lucia train station at its northern end making its way across the water to the nearby land.
If you zoom in, you can see water busses and taxis navigating the canal and gondolas docked along its edge.
Th the north, the square island is San Michele, which was once a prison island but is now a cemetery after Napoleon’s forces declared burial on the main islands unsanitary.
Source: European Space Agency