Greenpeace Gives Us Updates on Facebook Unfriend Coal Campaign

Greenpeace wrote an update on the Facebook Unfriend Coal campaign, its progress to date, and how Facebook has responded yesterday. Here are some highlights:

  • Over 700,000 people have joined the Unfriend Coal campaign to date.
  • Greenpeace and the many supporters of the Unfriend Coal campaign (including me) set the record for most Facebook comments on a post in 24 hours last week (over 80,000 or one every second for 24 hours).
  • Activists around the world have met Facebook employees at their work to spread the word about this campaign and encourage them to join in.
  • Facebook has opened its first custom data center, in Oregon, and while it is primarily powered by coal still, the company did put solar panels on the roof.
  • Facebook, closed as it typically is, announced its Open Compute Project recently, which will help others to make their data centers more energy efficient. This is a very important and noteworthy project.
  • But, with Facebook still relying on dirty, coal energy and lagging behind other IT giants on clean energy, the push is not over at all to get Facebook to Unfriend Coal.

Read Greenpeace’s full post here: Facebook and the Earth Day Challenge

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Photo via Greenpeace

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