Other than what we’ve already covered, of course, here are a number of good environmental, wildlife, and green living stories form around the internet.
GreenDeals aims to be a Groupon for green shoppers
New website aims to offer US consumers discounts on green products and services…
High-speed rail route to get 2m trees for shelter
Government to line London-Birmingham high-speed rail route with trees to help contain noise and keep trains from view…
Get Off Our Land!
It has now been confirmed that the government are proposing to go ahead with the largest sale of public land English history. Seven hundred and fifty thousand hectares and no less than a thousand areas of our national woodland will be up for sale in one of the latest and probably most shocking coalition solutions to raise funds and resolve the national deficit. But for the majority, this really is a step too far…
Ethical Consumerism Bucks Recession & Grows 18%
The term “ethical consumerism” has always given me an icky feeling. Whether it is discussion regarding the feasibility of a better world through buying stuff, or the accusation that greener shopping is more about status than sustainability, it would seem I am not alone. Nevertheless, I was excited to find out that “ethical shopping”—that is the spending of money on everything from organic food through Fair Trade goods to ethical finance—bucked the recession in the UK and grew by a staggering 18%. After all, if you’re going to buy something anyway, it makes sense to buy green…
£1m lottery cash to get British women cycling
British Cycling have been awarded £992,159 of National Lottery funding for a new project that aims to get 80,000 women back on bikes…
WWF condemns oil exploration plans inside Africa’s iconic national park
WWF calls on companies SOCO and Dominion to abandon their oil exploration plans in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), warning these actions will undermine decades of work and successful and costly conservation efforts aimed at saving the park’s unique nature…
Help Save Wild Bison
Urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to stop the annual ritual of hazing and slaughtering of America’s wild bison…
Texas vs. The EPA: A Paradox
Over the past several weeks, Texas has done everything in its power to block EPA measures intended to ensure protection from greenhouse gas pollution emitted from large sources in Texas. With the Federal Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. expected to make an imminent decision regarding Texas’ latest challenge to EPA’s protective measures, we thought it would be helpful to identify what is at stake…
Spill Commission: Hubris, Greed, And Corruption Led To Gulf Disaster
The president’s commission on the BP oil disaster has found that it was an “avoidable” catastrophe “rooted in systemic failures by industry management” and “by failures of government to provide effective regulatory oversight of offshore drilling.” With a minute-by-minute retelling of the corners cut and mistakes made before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, the bipartisan commission reconstructs how BP, Halliburton, and Transocean repeatedly chose profit-taking risks, then ignored the warning signs that the risks were going bad — while the hobbled Minerals Management Service, with limited oversight and access, trusted the oil officials’ judgment that everything was under control.
With a political system designed to protect oil companies from sufficient oversight, systemic greed, hubris, and corruption led to the deaths of 11 rig workers and the poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, the preview of the commission’s final report, due next week, has found…
Photo Credit: Eric Vondy