Environmental & Climate Science News {Weekly Round-Up}

global warming land and oceans
Land and Ocean Warming (click to enlarge)

Some top climate science stories from the pastw eek or so (other than what we’ve already covered):

  1. This Week in Climate Science: Better Biofuels, Climate Extinction, and Global Warming Slowdown
  2. Report: U.S. Cities Must Prepare for Water-related Impacts of Climate Change
  3. Evidence for climate change is now undeniable – scientists
  4. Sea Level Rise to Put the “Squeeze” on Coastal Georgia
  5. Government vastly underestimates potential health and environment damages from climate change
  6. Michaels Mischief #1: Continued Warming and Aerosols
  7. All 50 States Have Set High Temperature Records This July
  8. Melting Arctic ice releasing banned toxins, warn scientists
  9. OA not OK part 10: Is the ocean blowing bubbles?
  10. Could News Corp. Double Agent Neil Wallis Be Behind Climategate Hacking?
  11. Alpine glacier retreat pushing Europe closer to water crisis
  12. Next Time You Sneeze, Turn Off The Car
  13. Earth’s Climate History: Implications for Tomorrow
  14. ‘Earth Burp’ May Have Caused Mass Extinction
  15. Relocating Alaska Natives: The Climate is Changing Faster Than Disaster Management and Adaptation Policies
  16. SkS Weekly Digest #8
  17. Arctic sea ice discussions

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