Ecotourists Save the World is the Ideal International Adventure Book for Environmental Volunteers (Win it)

Ecotourists Save the World by Pamela K. Brodowsky and the National Wildlife Federation is the newest guide to eco-tourism, volunteerism, or whatever your individual ism is to care more deeply for our incredible planet…


Folks these days are compelled not only to look for less expensive vacations, but also to find a way to give back. This brilliant and simple to read book is a comprehensive international guide to sites that invite volunteers to work on conserving, preserving, and studying wildlife and habitats. For instance, with well over 6o million eco-enthusiasts in the U.S., it is clear that people everywhere desire ways to travel with a minimal and positive impact on the environment.

“This site-by-site guide profiles more than 300 programs throughout the world where travelers can volunteer to help wildlife and is the only international travel guide exclusively focused on wildlife conservation. Each entry includes a profile of the site, the organization behind it, contact information, the costs, dates and duration, how to apply, and field notes that include any special notes or concerns, requirements for participation, suitability, and more. Each location is also categorized by the type of work involved, be it conservation, preservation, restoration or study. “

Continue reading to check out the author interview we recently did, and also learn how to win a free copy of this book!

Here is our interview with the author of Ecotourists Save the World, Pamela K. Brodowsky:

Pamela, in your new book Ecotourists Save the World, out of the 300 programs throughout the world where travelers can volunteer to help wildlife, which ones really stand out for you?

For me, being partial to our big cats, I would say the Lion Adventure Program in South Africa. The Amakhala Game Reserve where participants work mainly with newly introduced lions and the Namibia Leopard and Cheetah Conservation Program. I love the big cats.

With volunteerism as one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry, what are some eco travel websites that really stand out for you? Which sites are the best at helping us find ways to give back, in your opinion?

I am not a big surfer in this respect. I always know what I am looking for so I can’t answer this without having researched all of whats available. I will say some of the best wildlife and eco organizations that I have worked with or are working with would be the National Wildlife Federation and the World Wildlife Fund. You can’t go wrong being a member of either. They are doing their best to make sure that our animals are here and ecosystems intact for generations to come and that is of major importance.

I understand that Ecotourists Save the World is the only international travel guide that is exclusively focused on wildlife conservation, and that makes you a pioneer in this field. Where do you see wildlife conservation in the next ten years?

I believe there are a lot of good people out there looking to do the right thing. We take away so much from the land on a daily basis. Spending a week or two a year giving back should be on everyone’s to-do list. Personally, I think ecotourism will continue to grow as more and more people find out how rewarding these experiences can be. Its not every day you get the chance to work with a tiger or gorilla. Its an experience of a lifetime.

Did you have a chance to visit any of the sites profiled in your book? Any interesting stories you would like to share with our readers, or neat thoughts from the research?

I wish I could say I have visited all of these sites, but I can’t. I have visited a few which I do every year. I try to tailor our volunteer vacations to the age of my children — 13 & 9 — so they get every experience they can while its still available. You wouldn’t believe how much children actually enjoy these working vacations. They are simply mesmerized by the animals and the wild. I would recommend this type of experience for anyone with a family. You’ll never go back to the typical beach/boardwalk vacation. These trips are gratifying and rewarding for all involved. You return home with such a great sense of accomplishment.

Thanks for sharing your expert perspective Pamela!

Now, we’re also going to give away two copies of  Ecotourists Save the World!

Here is how to win a copy of this brilliant book:

We’re picking two winners, and offer five ways to enter! For each entry, you get your “name in the hat,” so you can do any or all of them for up to five entries:

  1. Leave a comment on this post telling us why you’d like a copy.
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If you’re already done one of the things listed above, you can just tell us that, so you can still get those extra votes. Make sure that you include a valid email address in the mail field for your comments, so that we’ll be able to contact you if you win! We’ll announce the winners on Earth Day!

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