Police agencies raided a Connecticut home on Sunday, just in the nick of time. 19 people were arrested in connection with a bird-fighting operation that was about to take place that very morning. While many people are familiar with cock-fighting and dog-fighting, this particular raid turned up something quite different. Officials seized over 150 canary songbirds, saffron finches and over $8,000 in cash from the Shelton home in the sting. Although canaries can make beautiful music and can be great pets, the birds can become aggressive during mating season.
According to a report in the ConnPost, those arrested have been charged with animal cruelty and illegal gambling. Jurames Goulart was also charged with interfering with an officer. The birds were transported to another location by officials and are being cared for by various agencies.
Photo courtesy of 3268zauber on WikiMedia under Creative Commons license.
Saffron Finch photo courtesy of Doug Janson on WikiMedia under Creative Commons license.