10 More Big Activism Stories

Some top activism stories from the past week or so that I haven’t been able to get to but deserve a big share:

mexico activists drawing colored bike lanes on street

  1. Two Finland animal activists who were being prosecuted for undercover investigations of factory farms have been found not guilty on almost all charges. Good news!
  2. A climate justice youth caravan of approximately 200 young people is headed for Durban, South Africa and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s conference (COP-17). “Climate change requires a justice response. We cannot to afford to see it differently. It is not only an economic, but also a moral ethical issue. It needs a response that addresses the injustices it has caused so far,” Paul Mbole, Kenya country coordinator for Norwegian Church Aid, one of the supporting agencies. The caravan’s slogan is: “We Have Faith: Act Now for Climate Justice.” Unfortunately, it seems the rich countries of the world have already given up on a climate change agreement this year (or even for several years to come). The “We Have Faith” caravan will also be providing a concert at King’s Park Stadium in Durban on November 27.
  3. EDF, the large French state energy company, was fined €1.5 million ($2 million) for spying on Greenpeace by a Paris court this month.
  4. Mexico City activists fed up with car-centric streets have been drawing their own colored bike lane symbols on the roads. (One of several pictures of the activist effort is above.)
  5. Playing for the Planet is a great event for climate activism and music lovers that you may want to check out or emulate in your city or region!
  6. Polar bears, which are invading Canadian towns due to climate change, are a key symbol of global warming and climate change. Some activists have now set up a live feed for tracking and watching polar bears in the region (you can see it below this activism story list).
  7. D.R. Tucker, an extremely thoughtful conservative who made waves across the internet not too long ago for turning from climate change denial to climate change activist recently wrote a great post on Climate Denial Crock of the Week titled “Occupy Conservatism.” Worth a read, especially if you’re a thoughtful conservative.
  8. 8 environmental activists were arrested in Charlotte, NC last week for protesting Bank of America’s connection to mountaintop removal coal mining.
  9. Greenpeace released a shocking video of the tuna industry’s fishing practices at the end of last week.
  10. Oceana created a petition recently to push for a stop to the “bulldozing of our oceans.” Sign it!


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