Two peaceful protestors with the environmental nonprofit International Rivers were deported from Turkey today after revealing a banner reading “No Risky Dams” just before the conference was set to begin.
The forum, held every three years, discusses global challenges and solutions to the water crisis. International Rivers advocates alternatives to large dams, which flood large areas, block the flow of rivers, and displace people and animals.
“We strongly condemn the aggressive response by the Turkish police to yesterdays’s peaceful protest,” reads a press release from the organization. “We ask the World Water Council to stand up for freedom of speech, and to make it clear to the Turkish government that the detention and deportation of peaceful protesters is unacceptable.”
Let’s get this straight: these two were punished for expressing their opinion at a worldwide forum. They had passes to the event, so there was no tresspassing involved. What does this say about the free exchange of ideas during the remainder of the forum, Turkey?
Photo via International Rivers