The stream of activists willing to get arrested in front of the White House to try to block the development of the Tar Sands XL pipeline in the U.S. continues to flow strong. Today, over 140 activists were arrested, including top NASA climate scientist Dr. James Hansen. The total number of arrested citizens is 522 now. Here are great pictures of today’s event. As you can see, the activists are not just wild young hippies — they are people of all stripes and ages.

Here’s a new video from MicKibben and the crew as well:
For more photos, head on over to tarsandsaction on flickr.
You can also keep up with news on the Tar Sands Action site.
A big thanks to all the activists out there working to protect our world for our children and grandchildren and more. If wish I could join them (but doesn’t seem like a good idea now that I am living across the pond.)