Friday February 27th will begin the four day Powershift 2009 conference, which is set to become the largest ever youth conference on climate change. But history will be made on Monday, March 2nd, when thousands of youth lobby Congress and thousands of others march to the Capitol Coal Plant to take part in what should become the largest ever act of climate change related civil disobedience.
Over 10,000 high school and college aged students are expected to turn out to this year’s Powershift conference. 2007’s conference had thousands of attendees and speakers such as Van Jones, Ralph Nader and Nancy Pelosi. This year is expecting some of the same big names, and more.
After the workshops and panels are completed, though, the real action begins. For Monday, March 2nd, Powershift and the Energy Action Coalition are arranging Lobby Day, where many of the conference attendees will go to their representatives and advocate for bolder action on global warming. Never have this many people- all of them regular citizens- lobbied our leaders at once.
On the same day, Capitol Climate Action will take place. The original plan was to have 1,000 people sit in at the coal plant, but the number could now be several times that. The diverse list of endorsers ranges from actress Susan Sarandon to author and activist Noam Chomksy.
Because these two historic activities on one day, we all may be able to expect a new direction in climate leadership from our country. Want more info?