The Deadliest U.S. Hurricanes [Infographic]

There’s been considerable press on the aftermath and economic impact of hurricane Sandy (and no doubt more to come following the ‘nor’easter’ that just hit the east coast) including data on estimated reconstruction costs by various states.

But here now is the newest summary (infographic) on “Frankenstorm” Sandy’s impact with comparison data to other devastating storms in the U.S. — an exclusive to planetsave! —  courtesy of Total Injury.

In the words of Brittany Klontz, who passed the infographic on to us: “The infographic is a compilation of the deadliest U.S. hurricanes and was created to serve as a reminder of how dangerous these storms can actually be.  Mother Nature is a powerful thing & it is so easy to forget how much of an impact it can have on our day-to-day lives.”  (note: this is a very long/tall info-graphic!)

Infographic: for more information, visit

Top Image: Hurricane Isabel (2003) as seen from orbit during Expedition 7 of the International Space Station. The eye, eyewall and surrounding rainbands that are characteristics of tropical cyclones are clearly visible in this view from space (NASA)

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