PETA does a great job of getting household names and celebrities who love animals to speak up and push our society in a more animal-friendly direction. Most recently, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs has teamed up with PETA (or ‘gone PETA’, as I may start calling it).
“He may be one of the toughest linebackers in the NFL, but Suggs considers fur ‘cruel and evil’ and will never cross the line by wearing it,” PETA writes.
“For every fur coat, collar, or piece of trim, millions of foxes, minks, coyotes, and rabbits—and even cats and dogs—are violently bludgeoned, electrocuted, or drowned or are strangled with wire nooses. Many of these animals are even skinned alive. In China, the world’s largest exporter of fur, there are no penalties for this abuse. The only way to combat this cruelty is by never buying or wearing fur or fur trim.”
It’s sad, but it’s true. Thanks to Suggs and PETA for their great work exposing this and encouraging people to drop the fur!
Here’s a video with more from Suggs on why he ‘bared his skin’ for PETA’s “Ink, Not Mink” photo shoot:
And, if you can take Suggs’ challenge, below is a gruesome video for you (full disclosure: I haven’t watched it — I’ve seen too many of these — but I’ll take their word for it that it’s gruesome). As Suggs says: “I hit people for a living, and even I couldn’t bear just to handle the cruelty to these animals. … If you can endure through 10 seconds of the video, you gotta watch it.” Here’s the video:
Want to do more than just go fur-free? You can “ask everyone on Facebook and Twitter to accept Suggs’ challenge to watch 10 seconds of the Chinese fur farm exposé.” Do it today!