Read this note from PETA (received via email) and take action via the link below:
For too long, there has been a loophole in federal regulations that allows notorious animal abusers and inexperienced individuals to use endangered chimpanzees for purely commercial purposes and in horrific laboratory experiments. They have been able to get away with this for so long because, under current Endangered Species Act regulations, only wild chimpanzees are afforded the desperately needed protections that chimpanzees deserve.
Fortunately, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has proposed an amendment that would remove this major exemption and protect both wild and captive chimpanzees, and the agency wants to know what you think by October 31.
Please take a moment now to speak up for chimpanzees everywhere by letting the FWS know that you support this important amendment!
More info available on PETA.
And here’s my submitted comment, in case it’s helpful to you:
Chimps are thinking, caring, emotional beings. We do not allow abuse of or invasive testing on humans. We should not allow this on chimps either!
I fully support the recent amendment proposed to protect captive chimps and make it illegal to harm them in any way or for any purpose.
Chimp photos via Chi King
Save the chimpanzees!