Sonoma Valley Getting Transition Towns!

by May Boeve of

Last week, one of my heroes was profiled in his local paper for helping spearhead a new Transition Town in Sonoma, California. I couldn’t be prouder, since that hero is my dad, Tim Boeve, and Sonoma is the town where I grew up. Sonoma is new to the Transition Town fold, which got its start in the UK and emphasizes resilient community solutions to climate change.

We became enamored of the Transition model in the early days of 350, because we are making coming cause in helping knit together millions of activists around the world who are creating change at the local level. This week, we’re kicking off a new platform for local groups to share what they’re doing. It’s easy to find: and we hope you’ll register your efforts today!

My favorite part of the article sounds a whole lot like something I’ve read somewhere else: “Boeve points out that local communities have inherent power when they come together at the grass roots level.” One of my earliest memories is walking door to door with my dad, asking our neighbors to support a school bond measure. I still have the button I wore that day, pink with a giant blue “A” on it. He was my first teacher about community organizing, and now our efforts are coming together again.

Thank you to Dad/Tim, Ed, and Melinda, and all the Transition leaders out there who are providing great ideas and inspiration!

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