A former fellow writer on EcoWorldly.com (which is now EcoLocalizer), Rhishja Larson is the leading rhino expert I’ve ever run across. She knows rhinos! And, unfortunately, that means she knows more about the current rhino crisis than most.
Now, she and Saving Rhinos LLC have started a new campaign to bring critical rhino information and rhino crisis awareness to more people: Bust the Myth – Save the Species.
The campaign is being launched in three languages — English, Vietnamese, and Chinese (Mandarin) — and is focused on busting the myth that rhino horns are medicine.
“The campaign’s purpose is to curb demand, disrupt the illegal trade, and halt the rhino crisis,” Rhishja writes. “Until we acknowledge the root of the rhino crisis, we cannot take real steps to solve it.”
Here’s a little more info from Rhishja and Rhino Conservation:
It’s time for NGOs, zoos, educational institutions, traditional media, social media, and the public to stand together and bust the rhino horn myth: Rhino horn has no medicinal properties, no curative benefits, and no magical powers!
In addition to English, our Bust the Myth – Save the Species posters and t-shirts have been translated into Chinese (Mandarin) and Vietnamese, so that wildlife supporters and friends of the rhino in China and Vietnam can share the message in their own language.
The campaign is being launched in three languages because of the clear citizen interest in busting the myth in China and Vietnam that Rhishja has noticed (and the clear need to bust the myth there).
To reiterate the bottom-line message: “Three different studies, three separate teams, and three unrelated institutions conclude that rhino horn has no medicinal value.” Read the article Busting the Rhino Horn Myth with Science for more info on that.
For much more on the campaign, visit:
- Bust the Myth, Save the Species (website)
- ‘Bust the Myth – Save the Species’ Rhino Crisis Awareness Campaign Launched (article on the launch)
- Buy the book Murder, Myths & Medicine
You can also get t-shirts and posters here:
The translated t-shirt message is Bust the Myth, Save the Species. International shipping to China, Vietnam, and most other countries.
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species t-shirts in English
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species t-shirts in Chinese (Mandarin)
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species t-shirts in Vietnamese
Please note all merchandise is available online only.
Download posters:
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species poster in English
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species poster in Chinese (Mandarin)
- Bust the Myth – Save the Species poster in Vietnamese
Get a Bust the Myth – Save the Species profile pic from the Saving Rhinos Facebook® page.