Returning Soldiers Have Opportunities in Organic Farming

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Too many soldiers return from being on the front lines in Iraq, Afghanistan, and find it very difficult to fit back into civilian life.  There are not enough programs to help ease them back into life as it should be, and they are often left on their own to cope. Their situation is not helpful when they come home to a country in economic shambles. Many experience homelessness, joblessness and get little support.  (Welcome back!) It’s pitiful, the way these things are.

However, on the bright side (when I heard about this today, it just made my day), there are several organic farming programs that take in returning soldiers and teach them the basics of organic farming so that they can learn how to earn a living whilst integrating back into civilian life.

More: Feel Good Story of the Day: Organic Farming Opportunities for Returning Vets

Photo via vincealongi

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