Greenpeace Brazil has released a report at the World Social Forum in Belém showing that up to 80 percent of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is due to an increase in raising cattle for human consumption.
Brazil has quickly become the largest exporter of beef in the world, but they are not satisfied with their current market share and plan to increase production. The plan flies in the face of their supposed commitment to tackle climate change. The country is currently the fourth biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, 75% of which stem from deforestation.
–> Highly recommended: What is Causing Global Warming?
–> Also see: German Government Advisory: Eat Meat Only on Special Occasions
The map of Brazil above shows the concentration of cattle, mostly focused on the Mato Grosso region in the southwest. Greenpeace used a unique technique to prepare this and other maps in the report:
Our Amazon team used specialized techniques to analyze and compare satellite images of vegetation (or lack thereof) on the ground, and data showing the growth of infrastructure, such as roads and agribusiness. It is the first time that these two types of data have been put together in this way. Our maps in the report Amazon cattle footprint, clearly show how much former rainforest is now used for cattle pastures in Mato Grosso.
Unfortunately, similar as in the United States, the government fully backs the agriculture industry with many politicians firmly in the pockets of agribusiness. They’ve even recently proposed legislation to prevent environmental groups from setting up in the Amazon.
–> Highly recommended: What is Causing Global Warming?
–> You may also like: Global Warming Videos (Best, Funniest, & Most Inspiring)
However, with the economy moving how it is, expansion is becoming less and less of an option.
What can you do? Try going vegetarian, or at least making sure the beef you’re eating comes from cows raised near where you live.
More information about the environmental impact of meat:
Fruits & vegetables require dozens of times less land than livestock production.
Jason, what do you think all the cattle would be eating?
we cant keep distroying the rainforest
God made cows for us to eat them. End of story.
i love me
The problem is that we did cultivated all natural rich land, the land that is cultivated in Brazil is rain forest. After a few years the soil get washed away by monsoon, remember rain forest. And at that point the ground is nothing more than barren. So what can you do to keep growing your cattle, cut & burn more forest. If you can’t see this is a downturn than you’re not ever waking up to global warming.
It takes much more land to produce 1000 calories of beef than it does 1000 calories of plant food. Much more! This is the difference.
Brazil is raising cattle to sell to america. they need massive amounts of land to graze and they strip the soil of all nutrients in a very short amount of time. Rainforest land can’t be used for farming it can only sustain really one crop before becoming useless. Also, if we didn’t need to feed cattle, land used for feed could be used for growing human food. I don’t remember the exact number but a pound of beef requires like, 8-15 pounds of grain (mixed with the beef of sick cows).
Anyone interested in this who should read Mad Cowboy. It’s written by a reformed rancher and it explains the detrimental effects of cattle farming on the environment, health and etc.
Also if you can’t understand the difference between climate change and GLOBAL WARMTH…go die. Or don’t procreate. It’s the best thing for the environment.
Wouldn’t we have to clear land to grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. Sorry if repetitve. I only read the first few comments.
Jason, what do you think all the cattle would be eating?
Fruits & vegetables require dozens of times less land than livestock production.
I think that people should do what they can. Try some veggie burgers. Have some chili with just beans and no beef. You don’t have to cut out animal products altogether to do your part. It is often healthier (no cholesterol, etc) so it benefits you in more than one way! I think that people don’t want to admit that their consumption of animals and animal products (and other activities) can be so harmful (ex. people like Dave) because they are just that selfish. Just get over yourself already.
I am vegan but do not support PETA. I am also open minded to the fact that not all people want to give up meat. I don’t agree with meat eating, but that’s fine – people disagree. What’s important is that people care enough to do what they can and admit that they aren’t perfect. I personally am vegan not because I am extreme, but because I can. I am a poor student, but because I live in an affluent country, I have the choice to eat vegan. If I have the benefit to make small choices that are better for the world, I will.
Rainforests are primarily cut down for cattle and soy. The soy, however, is mostly used to feed cattle. Adopting a diet with less meat is less harmful to the environment, your health, and the animals themselves. Do the research for yourself. People really should stop just saying random things that they have no idea about. For goodness sakes, read a book.
is this real 80 %
I dont think people have to stop eating meat to solve this problem because the forest is also cleared to grow vegetables and other plants. The best thing to do is to find a better way of farming.
Rainforests are overrated. Aside from making themselves thrive, they don’t actually do much for the planet. Habor interesting species? Big deal. Sink carbon? The ocean is 100x better at it. Control temperature? NOT REALLY!
Seriously, crying over the loss of rainforests is like crying over the loss of your childhood: grow the $%^! up.
Lol thetruth, you don’t raise cattle in the woods. You clear the woods so that you can raise cattle.
Besides, global warming? Minnesota’s winter is lasting like 8 months this year! Bring on the heat!
Oh, and “killing the planet” is silly. The planet was fine before we got here, and it’ll be fine long after we’re gone. By “harming the environment”, what we really mean is harming our own ability to survive. Carbon output would definitely go down if humans were suddenly extinct…
This comment sponsored by PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals) 🙂
I for one am more than willing to give up millions of acres of rainforest in exchange for a Wenday’s Extra Value Meal. It’s a sacrifice, but you do what you gotta do.
but by distroying the rainforest your distroying our planet