The UK Climate Camp recently included this story and call to action in an email to their list. Looks like something to really get behind and help out with. Here’s the full message:
This month will see the start of the month long trial of 20 of the 114 activists arrested in a school in Nottingham, April 2009, on suspicion of conspiring to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station.
The activists are pleading Not Guilty on the grounds of necessity. This means they are admitting they planned to shut the power station down in order to prevent loss of life and serious injury caused through climate change.
They have been through an 18 month mentally, emotionally, and financially gruelling experience in the lead up to this month’s trial. Any support people can give will be enormously appreciated.
Check out the campaign support group’s website for the background story, and full details of how you can get involved.
But, here’s three little things you can do now…
1. Please Donate
The defendants have been and continue to make a concerted effort to keep costs down. However, this has not stopped them being huge when one takes into account all the endless police station interviews, court appearances, meetings with lawyers, that have formed part of this process.
We are still way off our target amount, so if there’s anything you can spare (no matter how little) please give via the following means
Please make bank transfers to:
The Skint Fund
SC: 08-92-99
AN: 65385883
Or post a cheque to:
The Skint Fund
18 Stratford Street
2. Like and share us on Facebook
Facebook has proved a great way of building support in previous cases. Please Like our page, and encourage all your Facebook friends to do the same:
3. Come to court on the first day of trial
The first day of the trial is Monday 22nd November. It would be great to have as many supporters as possible present on that day as a show of solidarity. Book your travel now, or arrange a mini-bus with your local group.
For more information on any of the above email [email protected]
The Ratcliffe on Trial campaign support group
Photo Credit: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station by philmciver via flickr (CC license)