I imagine you’ve heard by now that a marine veteran’s skull was fractured by the Oakland police. It’s really a little too f***ed up for me to comment on. Here’s a video and then Jeremy Bloom of Red, Green, and Blue’s summary (if you prefer text):
This is beyond words. Fortunately, there is video.
This was a peaceful protests. There was no need for arrests at all. And yet the Oakland Police, and their allies from a dozen other cities, went in with everything – tear gas projectiles, concussion grenades (flashbangs), rubber bullets. Why?
A marine veteran, a man who had served this great country in war and survived to come back home, had his skull fractured. When his friends from Occupy Oakland turned back to help him, a watching police officer threw a flash grenade into the crowd, onto the wounded man. Disgusting.
The veteran, Scott Olsen, is reportedly a 24-year-old who served two tours of duty in Iraq with 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines. He’s a member of Veterans for Peace. He’s in critical condition with swelling of the brain at Highland Hospital in Oakland.
Mind you, once again, these were peaceful protesters.
From Jeremy:
The police have denied using flashbang grenades, claiming the bursts were from M-80s tossed by the protesters at police. But it’s pretty clear in the video what happened. (How they must yearn for the days before everyone and his brother had a video camera. It’s SO much harder to spin things when there is actual video…)
This, in my opinion, is utter idiocy on behalf of the police. For one, who the f*** goes breaking peaceful protesters skulls. For two, do they think for a second that such events are going to calm the occupy wall street movement down?
Now, Keith Olbermann has a great call to action in the aftermath of this event. He’s calling on Oakland Mayor Quan to either fire the police chief or resign. Seriously, someone has to take responsibility. Love this monologue by Olbermann:
Completely crazy and idiotic.
Of course, this all reminds me of this great video below calling out the hypocrisy of our leaders. Perhaps it’s time someone else even higher up takes some responsibility for this matter and brings the police under control.
My thoughts are with Scott Olsen at this time. I hope the best for him…