Pierce Brosnan Pleads US to Help End the Killing of Whales for Profit

“The Obama Administration is backing a deadly deal that would make it legal once again to kill whales for profit. Please call on the President to reverse course,” explains Pierce Brosnan.


Help OO7! To the rescue James Bond! Brosnan is saving the whales and needs our collective help. Assist Pierce and his campaign with Natural Resources Defense Council to stop the International Whaling Commision (IWC) and their nightmare commercial whaling proposal. Please help stop the IWC and their attempts to reverse nearly three decades of progress to “save the whales.” Let’s have a say in international law, as now we have an opportunity to join together and become the voices for the whales. Please help us put an end to commercial whaling. Keep reading to see the letter Pierce sent me today together with NRDC to help stop the killing of whales for profit.

Here is the letter:

Dear Lucille,
I was appalled to hear — on Earth Day of all days — that the International Whaling Commission has put forward a deal that would legalize commercial whaling for the first time in a generation.

Even worse, the Obama Administration has backed this deadly proposal, which would suspend the international ban on whaling and make it legal once again to kill whales for profit. During his campaign, President Obama promised America he would oppose the killing of these magnificent creatures. It’s time for you and me to hold him to that promise.

Please call on the White House to oppose any deal that would legitimize the hunting and killing of whales.

Obama Administration officials claim that the IWC deal would be a “step forward” for whales because it could rein in Japan, Iceland and Norway, which have killed thousands of whales since 1986 by exploiting loopholes in the whaling ban.

But, in fact, this new deal is a giant step backward. It rewards those three nations for years of defying international law. It does their bidding by suspending the whaling ban for 10 years. It opens up the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary to whaling. And it will not stop them from trading in whale meat or killing whales under legal loopholes like “scientific permits.”

Don’t believe for a minute that this kind of deal would phase down whaling. Instead, it would breathe new life into a dying industry. Worst of all, the deal gives moral cover to the absurd notion that we can save whales by killing them — instead of by banning their slaughter. There is no moral justification for killing whales. There is no scientific justification for killing whales.

And if the Obama Administration persists in supporting a deal that encourages the killing of whales, it will tarnish not only the White House but our entire nation.

Please join me in telling President Obama to vigorously oppose this deal and instead push for a deal that closes the loopholes and ends commercial whaling once and for all!

Thanks to the efforts of NRDC, you and I have prevailed so many times in defense of our planet’s whales. We saved the gray whale’s last untouched nursery in Mexico’s San Ignacio Lagoon against Mitsubishi’s plans for industrialization. And we reined in the Navy’s use of dangerous sonar systems around marine mammals. Now, with our own government supporting an unthinkable deal that would legalize the commercial killing of whales, we must unite again and say: Not on our watch!

I hope you’ll make your own voice heard inside the White House today. Thank you.


Pierce Brosnan
Natural Resources Defense Council

Thank you Pierce for sending this letter, and helping us spread the word for the endangered whales. Thanks also to all our readers for considering this cause and sending a letter to our government now, to end the killing of whales for profit.

Image Credit: catzeyes93.com

7 thoughts on “Pierce Brosnan Pleads US to Help End the Killing of Whales for Profit”

  1. Representing one typical western hypocrite. What make him think so damn special to butt in other country's food culture which has been practiced long before Columbus discovered American continent? It's not "illegal whaling" nor "whale hunting", they are consuming whales to eat and do not waste any pieces. Mind your own business and start protesting to eat hamburgers!
    For other empty headed commenters, especially CINDY, do you notice how dumb it makes you look by saying "Oh, we shouldn't kill them, they are so cute". I think it's better off for you all to kill yourself becuase we humans are nothing but virus from mother Earth perspective.

  2. kelly forrest

    TIME TO SAVE THE WHALES AGAIN! This is a critical time for the US and whales. The Obama adminstrtion promIsed to take a leadership role in eliminating the brutal and unnecessary practice of commercial whaling forever. To see whales only as a commodity (for which there is little or no market)and not as an integral part of our eco system is beyond ignorant. Whales face more threats today then ever before. thus, we need your help. Please give a voice to the voiceless and stand up for the whales. MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

  3. That is strange. The prior comments on this article all disappeared. Also happened to the article "The Debate of Environmental Vs Cultural Right: Japan Issues Arrest Warrant for Anti-Whaling Group Leader".

  4. Leonard Green

    “Since the beginning of time whales have been here.”

    Lynn can I get some of whatever it is you have been smoking?

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