PETA's Sea Kitten Campaign Gets Pranked With Steak Ad

Some clever techies confused PETA supporters today by pulling a well-executed prank against their campaign to “re-brand” fish as sea kittens.[social_buttons]

For at least a couple hours today, the internet was abuzz with the fact that had an Omaha Steaks ad smack-dab at the top of the page. But PETA can’t really be that careless, right?

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Turns out that the page is a line-by-line duplicate of PETA’s actual sea kittens campaign site, but it’s not owned by PETA at all. According to Alley Insider, PETA has confirmed that the site is a parody and that they are not running any steak ads.

All jokes aside, giving up meat is one of the best ways you can help stop the advancement of global warming and air and water pollution.

More information about the environmental impact of meat:

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30 thoughts on “PETA's Sea Kitten Campaign Gets Pranked With Steak Ad”

  1. “Cows give off methane…..” = Pure foolishness! Perhaps ppl have forgotten how many American Buffalo roamed the plains- more than we have cows today so make up a new lie & try to sell it somewhere else!

  2. Benny Martínez Pérez

    Pleaase rebrand them as sea kittens, the drop in demand would take the price down and I may finally be able to eat as much seafood as I would like to.While you’re at it re-brand steaks – my bad I mean cows – to land Nemos. I would love to have cheaper surf-and-turf specials.

  3. Benny Martínez Pérez

    Pleaase rebrand them as sea kittens, the drop in demand would take the price down and I may finally be able to eat as much seafood as I would like to.While you’re at it re-brand steaks – my bad I mean cows – to land Nemos. I would love to have cheaper surf-and-turf specials.


    they beleive its perfectly fine to kill REAL kittens and puppies, but eating a fish is bad!bad!bad!

    hypocritical frauds, the whole damned lot of them. they say even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS they would be against it, yet a senior VP is insulin dependant- and justifies it with saying HER LIFE is more important than yours.

    save animals! kill PETA!

  5. joe had a good comment until he blew it all at the end with a personal attack. Perhaps he can learn not to make himself look so foolish in the future thus adding more weight to his comments. Sad really.

  6. Wow, so none of you ignorant toolboxes bothered reading the links after the article, eh? Good work. There is plenty of evidence to back it up.

    That said… sea kittens… fucking moronic. I’m a vegetarian and I hate PETA with the burning intensity of a million suns. The ‘views’ of their halfwit lackeys may be the polar opposite of some of yours, but you have one thing in common: an appalling lack of basic reasoning skills.

  7. Wow, it is amazing the amount of ignorant responses this article has provoked.

    To all the people who posted that not eating meat would increase global plant production: What do you think the animals you eat are currently eating? Air?

    Wrong! Animals eat plants, and it takes 16 pounds of plants to produce 1 pound of meat, so if everyone stopped eating meat then global crop production would be reduced, not increased. Anyone who cannot do that kind of simple math in their head is an idiot. Oh wait, you ARE meat eaters, so I guess that goes without saying.

    Now if only meat eating caused early infertility, we might be spared the genetically watered-down troglodytes you flesh addicts will inflict on the next generation.

  8. PETA should just give up human beings are always going to eat meat! No matter what type of meat it is. PETA should be educating people where there food comes from and how the animals are treated in those mass production farms. People are severely detached from their food. PETA is now adding to the problem by calling fish “sea kittens!” I thought fish was the chicken of the sea?

  9. “Interesting article… up until the last paragraph which seems just slapped in there as blatant propoganda.”

    The truth hurts doesn’t it, man you people are babies. Just because you don’t want to give up something doesn’t mean you have to deny it’s legitimacy, just admit that you’re a little greedy prat rather then living under the pretense that you actually care about the planet.

  10. Stevo the Hunter

    Research shows that pretentious hot air produced by PETA is the primary cause of global warming. The good news is that scientists have found a way to patch the hole in the ozone layer with sea kittens.

  11. Stevo the Hunter

    I taught my sea-kitten how to play fetch…fetch the tartar sauce, that is! All jokes aside, calling fish “sea kittens” is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while. Laughing so hard about this idiotic campaign made me hungry for some grilled sea kitten, with side orders of pond puppy and ocean ocelot.

  12. peta doesn’t challenge people to think, peta tries to force their vies upon others.

    the simple fact of the matter is that at this point, eating meat is a matter of choice. no screaming from vegetarians is going to stop my meat-eating ways, and no mocking from meat-eaters is going to stop veggies from not eating meat.

    peta members seem to have this overzealous need to force their views upon others when their views are merely a matter of opinion.

    Meat consumption is the LEAST of our worries in regards to global warming, and the fact that this blogger would even elude to this being a significant cause is laughable. why do peta supporters have to grope so hard for another reason to reinforce their views?

    does anyone actually think this “sea kitten” is anything other than moronic? i would love to meet the person who decided this was a good idea and give them a swift kick to the nuts (if male) or punch to the left tit (if female) for being this stupid. yes, the left one. why? because my right arm is the strongest.

  13. I’m an omnivore, I will not give up meat or vegetables.

    I don’t like the taste of fish to begin with.

    Several places, including China, eat cats. Wonder if this stupid campaign will increase the overall fish or cat consumption…

  14. peta challenges people to think about the food we eat, but we ridicule them for doing so. I am not a vegi eater but it doesn’t (does) hurt to know how our food is produced.
    stop ridiculing peta and look at their arguments and if you disagree, challenge them in an academic environment.

  15. Methane is a trace gas, kiddies: 1750 parts per BILLION. That’s 0.000175 percent of the atmosphere.

    The main greenhouse gas is water vapor, and that’s not going away.

  16. internetguy48726

    Meat was one of the things that help humans evolve into what we are today, intelligence wise. We needed that protein for our brains to grow larger.

    Sea kittens?
    Delicious with butter and lemon.

  17. Wouldn’t killing all animals except humans be the best for the environment? Grow meat in the lab to eat.

    Trees are useful, animals are not.

    Let’s work together towards an animal and pollution free planet.

    And for those of you who would remind me that we humans are animals… when the technological singularity happens we’re all going to be machine anyways.

  18. Most soy foods are highly processed and require a lot of energy to produce.

    If you compare a veggie burger made of TVP to a grass-fed beef burger, the grass-fed beef burger requires a LOT less energy to produce.

    Look at these 2 scenarios:

    1. Beef burger: Animal (cow or bison) eats grass (and some hay and water). Animal is slaughtered. Cook and eat.

    2. Veggie burger: Soy is grown on crops (requiring water and chemical fertilizers — or manure). The crops are sprayed with the fertilizers (either manure or chemical) using tractors or planes — which requires petroleum. Once the soy is harvested, the soybean oil is extracted in a factory. Then the soy flour is pressure-cooked. Then it is extruded in huge extruders, then dried. This is all done in a factory, folks, requiring a great deal of energy.

    A lot of the soy being grown is responsible for the destruction of rainforests. Not to mention that a lot of the soy and corn crops are genetically modified.

    Cows on pasture do not increase methane gas. It is feed lot cows that are responsible for the methane.

    I buy grass-fed meats from local farmers who raise the animals sustainably on pasture.

  19. For any interested I recommend you read “Livestock’s Long Shadow”, a report given by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. The link to it is here:

    It’s an assessment of the significant impact the livestock industry has on the environment. The report was distributed in late 2007 and is a good read for anyone interested on the subject.

  20. Lots of people seem to take issue with the sentence, “All jokes aside, giving up meat is one of the best ways you can help stop the advancement of global warming and air and water pollution.”

    I won’t bother arguing directly on global warming, but here are two simple facts: Farming cattle indisputably produces a lot of methane. In addition, forests are often cut cut down to make room for the cattle.

    What wasn’t mentioned is that raising meat for food is very inefficient. The amount of corn, soy, etc that one can grow on an acre of land is vastly more than one can obtain from animals (which are fed on crops that we could simply eat ourselves). If you want to eat meat, but don’t like to be so wasteful, I suggest chicken and small game like rabbit. Acre for acre, those animals produce far more food than cattle.

  21. Now just to clarify, I am a meat eater myself and have no intention of ever giving it up, but…

    You are all IGNORANT if you really think that our consumption of meat has nothing to do with global warming.

    Mark said, “If everyone today turned into a vegetarian many thousands of hectares of forest would need to be cut down to make room for all the crops.” This is COMPLETELY false. Each grass-fed cow requires 3 to 100 acres of grazing land per year for 1250lb of meat. 1250lb of corn can be grown in 1/20th of an acre.

    Dave said, “If I gave up meat that means there would be more cows releasing methane into the air, which is a major cause of air pollution.” Are you really that much of an idiot? If a substantial number of people gave up meat, such that there were a considerable impact on demand, farmers would stop breeding so many cattle. This is not an argument.

    Again, there are plenty of other sacrifices I will make in the interest of combating climate change before I give up meat, but I can’t stand reading so much idiocy

  22. “Actually, YOU are clueless. Yes you need this technology to raise the crops. But when you raise animals you have to raise crops to feed them many times. So multiply the “irrgate the crops and the runoff that results” by the number of times the cows need to eat and you’ll see how much worse meat is for the environment.”

    I’m sure your community college degree will take you far into the agriculture profession of shoveling up shit.

  23. Did any of you meat eaters read the article? If you click the links under this title is show you the facts about the carbon footprint of meat production. More information about the environmental impact of meat:
    * UN’s Top Climate Scientist Urges People to Combat Climate Change by Eating Less Meat
    * German Government Advisory: Eat Meat Only on Special Ocassions
    * The Hidden Giant #1: “Food” — Vegetarianism
    * Meat is murder on the environment
    * How poultry producers are ravaging the rural South

    Local farms and farmers markets provide local plant-based foods that are not only healthier for you but also don’t leave a big carbon footprint as animal-based products. Buy local and live longer.

    Read The China Study to learn why eating animal-based foods will dramatically increase your chances of preventable diseases and premature death.

  24. To all the dumbasses saying that we should eat cows because they produce methane, if we didn’t eat them we wouldn’t be breeding them in the high numbers that we do, so there would be fewer. Farms are a business, they follow supply and demand. We demand more beef, they breed more cows, and hence more methane. We demand less beef, and they breed less cows and less methane. Also, we wouldn’t have to chop down forests to feed all the vegetarians. We would just used the land that currently grows food for cows and instead grow food for people.


    Hahahaha damn that was funny, if only it was real. A similar movement was started by a few asian countries, but this was to change the name from cat, to land fish. Mmmmmm, land fish sounds better than cat any day of the week.

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