A Florida ranch was raided yesterday after repeated complaints from residential neighbors about a horrible smell lingering around the property. Officials discovered a shed with floor drains and butcher knives, a freezer full of various types of animal flesh and a horse’s head, and over 400 live animals living in poor conditions.
Ramiro Perez, who owned and maintained the operation, insists that he has done nothing wrong.[social_buttons]
Perez kept horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and even caged hawks on his 10-acre property and has been accused of feeding the animals garbage before selling the meat to the public. The cattle, sheep, and goats also had access to ruminant-derived food, which increases the risk of mad cow disease.
The animals were fed onsite then taken by various Florida and Georgia rescue groups, but the 35 cows on the property have yet to find homes. Despite the poor conditions on the farm, the animals have so far been found to be in decent health. The local SPCA and other animal welfare groups have assisted in caring for the animals.
Perez has been charged with violating the county’s ”sanitary nuisance” law and could be fined for operating a business without a license, keeping an illegal structure, and feeding garbage to animals used for human consumption.
Investigators also suspect that pig feces has contaminated the ground water on the property, but further tests are needed to confirm.
Photo Credit: lucianvenutian on Flickr under Creative Commons license.