Organic farmers, Monsanto's latest superweed [cartoon]

More info on organic farmers vs. Monsanto

From EatDrinkBetter: Organic Farm Group Sues Monsanto, Seeking Protection From GMO Contamination
From Monsanto’s home newspaper: Farmers, seed companies sue Monsanto
From The Cornacopia Institute: Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto
From Sourcewatch: Monsanto and the Roundup Ready Controversy

Joe’s cartoon archive and twitter ramblings

3 thoughts on “Organic farmers, Monsanto's latest superweed [cartoon]”

  1. Farmers must have the right to plant as they see fit. For a huge corporation like Monsanto to come onto a farm and accuse the owner of infringing on its patent, when what actually occurred was “drift” from any one of many causes, and then to “settle” charges an outrageous fee to the same farmer, smacks of illegality. This increasingly wedded bliss between giant corporations such as Monsanto and the US government has gone too far. It’s perfectly obvious that the corporations and the executives who run them, do not care one whit about the ordinary fellow. This collusion between government and big business must regain its decency. This is all wrong.

  2. If Hungary can ban it, then so can this country. How is it that a huge corporation can have “drift” with its seed onto someone’s farm who isn’t using GM crops, and then correspondingly SUE the farmer for breaking the patent or some or some other legal act? How in the name of all that is decent can this be allowed. Monsanto wants control of all agriculture, that’s why. They need to be stopped. This collusion of government and big business has gone too far.

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