Well, actually, the day before Valentine’s Day. 350.org and others were working to get half a million people, within 24 hours, to sign a petition to their Senators telling them to reject the sneaky effort to revive Keystone XL pipeline. The effort started yesterday at noon, but the target was reached in less than 7 hours! Wow!
This sends a pretty darn clear message to Congress to not revive this horrible project that Republicans have been trying to get approved without even conducting an environmental review!
“But the battle over Keystone XL is not even close to finished,” Stephen Lacey of Climate Progress notes. “The Senate introduced an amendment in a transportation bill yesterday that would allow Congress to approve the project.”
Yep, they just keep trying.
Unfortunately, I have to say, for the large number of people still not all that clued in on the issues surrounding the Keystone XL, Bill McKibben sort of flopped on “The Colbert Report” last night (video below). I know he knows his stuff, but he seems to do much better online than on the air—this is the second time I’ve seen him on The Colbert Report, and I was even more disappointed with his messaging and clarity this time than the first.
Watch for yourself here:
McKibben rocks online! But he seriously needs to work on his TV skills…