Oil Spill in the Gulf Live Cam Posted by the US Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming

Just in case you are wondering what is happening right this moment in the Gulf of Mexico, here is a live video feed of the BP Oil Spill from the ocean floor, 5000 feet below the surface.


This live video was made possible following a demand from Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) for a live feed of the BP oil spill to be made publicly available on the web. Hopefully this live cam will speed up relief as it is the 40th day that it has been leaking. Our planet needs healing and innovative solutions to stop this disaster right away. Let’s help figure out how to stop this problem together.

Now that independent scientists have carefully examined satellite photos, video, and other aspects of the spill, they have determined that it is indeed larger than estimated and can not be ignored. In fact, independent US scientists said that the original estimate of a 5,000 barrel per day leak was an underestimation of the flow. The scientists said with this new data, they will better calculate the flow of oil from the sea floor, and search out solutions.

Markey has repeatedly asked BP for more information on the exact size of the spill as well as their refusal to engage with outside scientists. “BP is capturing a fraction of the oil, but they don’t know what that fraction is. By releasing this video, we’ve taken the first step towards allowing better access to the information BP has about this spill,” said Edward Markey.

Here is a graphic of BP’s ongoing efforts. BP is trying, and trying to stop the oil that is still spilling, but it hasn’t worked so far and here’s another telling graphic that shows how little we’re getting from offshore drilling. With increased awareness and efforts, we need to find a way to stop this leak immediately!

For more news on the oil spill from the United States Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming click here.

12 thoughts on “Oil Spill in the Gulf Live Cam Posted by the US Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming”

  1. A possible scenario, BP finds huge fields, keeps it secret, spills the oil, shares nose dive, scammers buy at bottom, BP reports loss saves taxes, within months, Huge New fileds are announced shares rocket scammers sell at top, billions are made, millions are duped and environment is damaged beyond repair.

  2. From: Constantine Balakiryan, PhD, Professor.
    7 million barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico
    To day is 68th day, since the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. Oil keeps gushing from the leaking well into the Gulf of Mexico. The amount of spilled oil now is around 300 000 000 gallons.
    BP significantly reduces this rate motivated by the fact that the daily capturing 15-20 thousand barrels of oil.
    I have repeatedly explained, no matter how much oil BP capturing from the Cap, because the pump creates inside the Cap additional negative pressure which immediately compensated by the pressure in the petroleum layer and accompanied by an additional release of oil, correlated with this negative pressure.
    So, the amount of gushing oil unchanged or unaltered is about 90-120 thousand barrels per day.
    Using my know-how and liquid nitrogen oil freezing equipment we can shut the well during the nearest 3 weeks.
    Constantine Balakiryan, PhD, Professor.


  4. It might not be apparent to all people, but we are not talking jobless fishers anymore… if we don't manage to stop the oil leak, pollution may continue for decades and life on this planet might end sooner then we ever thought.
    Here in Germany it has raised once more the question whether it is permittable to enter into industrial profit adventures without being able to foresee or handle possible consequences (e.g.nuclear plants and radioactive garbage), and once more it has made clear, that we cannot cut funds to education. Only more intelligence and far-sighted views will save us.

  5. The feed shows two distinct and separate areas of flowing oil.
    the first is a pipe that really black oil is coming out of, it looks to be laying in a trench at the bottom of the ocean the end looks like it is a clean break.
    The second is a pipe that the oil looks to be coming out of the top of a large yellow structure, the pipe looks bent over and the oil is coming out in a couple of different "torn" spots in a rough, bent over type of break, the oil that comes out of this is more whitish (more methane).

  6. Bent over, top of the yellow structure, multi leak pipe
    [img <a href="http:// ]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6798/bpoilspillupdatebpoilsp.jpg[/img]" target="_blank"> <a href="http://]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6798/bpoilspillupdatebpoilsp.jpg%5B/img%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/6798/bpoilspillupdatebpoilsp.jpg[/img]
    [img <a href="http:// ]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5494/livebpoilspill1.jpg[/img]" target="_blank"> <a href="http://]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5494/livebpoilspill1.jpg%5B/img%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/5494/livebpoilspill1.jpg[/img]


    The clean break, at the bottom of a trench pipe
    [img <a href="http:// ]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6623/topkillvideo.jpg[/img]" target="_blank"> <a href="http://]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6623/topkillvideo.jpg%5B/img%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6623/topkillvideo.jpg[/img]
    [img <a href="http:// ]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9416/0529spillvideorobotsjpg.jpg[/img]" target="_blank"> <a href="http://]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9416/0529spillvideorobotsjpg.jpg%5B/img%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/9416/0529spillvideorobotsjpg.jpg[/img]
    [img <a href="http:// ]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2421/bpoilspilllivefeedupdat.jpg[/img]" target="_blank"> <a href="http://]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2421/bpoilspilllivefeedupdat.jpg%5B/img%5D” target=”_blank”>]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/2421/bpoilspilllivefeedupdat.jpg[/img]
    I know there was a mention on one of the sites I posted yesterday (or the day before) that there was a second leak, but that seems to be pretty hushed up…I wonder if we are looking at two completely different breaks? <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37353392/ns/gulf_oil_spill/&quot; target="_blank"&gt <a href="http://;http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37353392/ns/gulf_oil_…” target=”_blank”>;http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37353392/ns/gulf_oil_
    [quote]Second plume discovered
    In another troubling discovery, marine scientists said they have spotted a huge new plume of what they believe to be oil deep beneath the Gulf, stretching 22 miles from the leaking wellhead northeast toward Mobile Bay, Ala. They fear it could have resulted from using chemicals a mile below the surface to break up the oil.[/quote]

  7. The feed shows two distinct and separate areas of flowing oil.
    the first is a pipe that really black oil is coming out of, it looks to be laying in a trench at the bottom of the ocean the end looks like it is a clean break.
    The second is a pipe that the oil looks to be coming out of the top of a large yellow structure, the pipe looks bent over and the oil is coming out in a couple of different "torn" spots in a rough, bent over type of break, the oil that comes out of this is more whitish (more methane).
    They seem to put the camera on the clean break pipe during the day, and then in the evening all you see is brackish water (I assume while it is moving to the other location) then at night, you can watch the robots cut, remove, weld and work on the big metal structure (last night the camera did a "recon" of top hat laying on the gulf floor).

  8. bp can go f*ck themselves and f*ck the government….i am going to start stealing and if i get caught tell the judge f*ck you pay my fine with a government bailout,,,,fuck you all ….people suck!!!

  9. It's a pretty complex operation to attempt to stop the leak. If top kill is not able to fill the drill well with heavy mud, then the next plan is to plug the plume pipe directly: http://www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?categoryId=90

    In the grand scheme of things, the oil we collect from offshore drilling is a drop in the bucket compared to what we use, yet the potential environmental impacts are tremendous. We've got to take a hard look at how we consume as well as how we choose to extract these resources in this transitional time period as we push toward more sustainable forms of power.

    Even if this leak is patched, we're in a time period where there has been ever more push for offshore drilling as a means of driving less dependence on "foreign oil" — yet, the better fix, and hopefully this terrible event can help us realize it, is to have less dependence on oil period.

    1. Well said Tom… from society's perspective, the environmental and human safety risk is simply too great- but from a business perspective… the numbers obvious make it worth BP's while. Events like this deserve heavy public backlash and tighter regulation (and degree of direct accountability) of this hazardous industry!

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