In a quick response to the newest oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, some environmental organizations have reiterated what they’ve been saying for a long time, and have sent out more opportunities to take action on the issue of dirty, unsafe energy now.
One I received earlier today from the Defenders of Wildlife urges you all to “write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and urge your senators to pass the Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Accountability Act (S. 3663).” You can easily take action via their website.
Another action opportunity, from True Majority, asks you to tell your friends about this latest news story and to put the pressure on Obama to put a stronger focus on this issue. You can easily do so via their action page.
Help spread the news that it’s time to act and help put the pressure on the President, Congress, and your local newspaper to take this issue up sooner rather than too late.
“The devastating Deepwater Horizon oil disaster has killed thousands of birds, hundreds of endangered and threatened sea turtles and dozens of marine mammals,” the Defenders of Wildlife reports. And who knows what is in store from the most recent offshore oil disaster or potential offshore oil disasters to come from the thousands of oil rigs out there in the ocean.
You are informed on the issues. Now, do your part to make the democracy you live in work. Contact your representatives in government and spread the news.
Photo Credit: photo of BP oil rig on fire by SkyTruth via flickr