Here’s my daily post on Occupy Wall Street news, videos, cartoons, and images. (I’m thinking maybe I should start making this a twice a day thing….)
To start off, how about this Occupy Wall Street bull shit from Rudy Giuliani:
Giuliani: OWS Is Millstone Around Obama’s Neck That Will Take Presidency Down
Complete misreporting of size of Occupy Oakland general strike march:
Helicopter footage of Occupy Oakland General Strike March (San Francisco Chronicle Says it was 100,000 people strong):
More news:
- Seattle Protesters Occupy Chase Bank
- Banktransferlujah!! Money Transfer Action Day!
- Occupy Oakland: second Iraq war veteran injured after police clashes.
- Make it a felony for law enforcement at any level to hide or cover their badge number with tape or any other item.
- Anonymous will be releasing “information” from 9AM to 9PM on November 5th in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, Operation Bank Transfer Day, Operation Cash Out, etc
- Why we Occupy: Robert Reich explains the link between inequality and the lousy economy
- Prominent Silicon Valley businessman to divest Bank of America funds
- Congress could declare all personal assets hidden in tax havens as de facto tax evasion. Forcing this money into the open & back onshore would generate tens of billions in tax revenues that would fall exclusively on the richest fraction of Americans
- The 1% Have a Stranglehold on Politics: New Al Jazeera Documentary Sheds Light on the Koch Brothers
And regarding possibly the most power lobbying industry in the U.S. (and world):