Occupy the White House: Tar Sands Activists Encircle White House (PICTURES)

The civic momentum to stop the Tar Sands Keystone XL pipeline continues to grow. Today, thousands of people got out and encircled the White House to show their solidarity in opposition to this train-wreck of a project. If you don’t know much about the the Tar Sands Keystone XL pipeline and are just tuning in due to news about the action today, check out this post:

Tar Sands Oil Pipeline = Backwards Thinking (Humongous Climate Change Impact)

And this video of Robert Redford, a Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) trustee:

Now, if you tuned in for news on the political action outside the White House today, it seems the turnout was better than expected. I saw mention that, when circling the White House, there were so many people they had to stand in 3 lines. I haven’t seen any word of Obama coming out or acknowledging the event, but he has made clear now (in a speech about a week ago) that he’s listening to the concerns of the people and will personally be responsible for making the decision to approve the pipeline or not.

If you want to make your voice heard but couldn’t make it to the White House (or even if you could), Tar Sands Action has a good suggestion:

  1. Go to the White House Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse?sk=wall
  2. LIKE it – the button is on the top of the page.
  3. Copy the following photo link from the action today and post it on the White House wall along with your own personal comment: http://on.fb.me/rtVOJK

I just did so.

If you’re looking for photos or videos of the event today, below are a bunch of good photos from the NRDC and a video from StopKeystoneXL, followed by several videos made by activists and celebrities leading up to the event:

Bill McKibben & James Hansen on stage at the Tar Sands Action event at the White House on November 6, in which climate and environmental activists surrounded the White House in a big circle.

Inspirational photos and climate change activism.

More videos from the lead-up to the event:

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