Protect your right to free and fair information. Sign a Net Neutrality petition (or two) today.
There is a huge, fundamental 1st Amendment issue that is being threatened right now in the U.S. It is called “Net Neutrality.”
Right now we have net neutrality (more or less), but if Congress doesn’t act to stop certain mega-corporations from hi-jacking the internet, and the media in general, net neutrality and our right to free and fair information is gone.
“Net Neutrality is THE First Amendment issue of our time. If you want to protect the free flow of information in the country and all that depends on it, you have to help me fight this,” Senator Al Franken writes.
“The Comcast-NBC merger is the first domino. If it falls, the rest will soon follow. If no one stops them, how long do you think it will take before 4 or 5 megacorporations effectively control the flow of information in America not only on television, but online? How long do you think it will take before the Fox News website loads 5 times faster than DailyKos?”
Or, you can replace DailyKos there with Planetsave, or with Important Media, or with your own website, or with any other website you love that can’t afford to fork over bushels of cash or doesn’t have the corporate connections to have as fast as an internet connection as the major media giants.
Sign Al Franken’s petition in support of Net Neutrality today to stop corporate takeover of our media.
To Google: Don’t Be Evil
You can also sign’s petition to Google telling the company to follow its “Don’t be evil” motto to address this same matter with them. writes:
Google’s motto is “Don’t be evil,” but Google is about to cut a deal with Verizon that would end the Internet as we know it.
According to a front-page New York Times story, the deal would allow “Verizon to speed some online content to Internet users more quickly if the content’s creators are willing to pay for the privilege.”1
It would create fast Internet lanes for the largest corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us.
That is why CREDO is joining MoveOn, Free Press, and Color of Change in rallying Google users to tell Google, “Don’t be evil.”
Sign these two petitions today for a free and fair internet in the future!
Photo Credit: Ed Yourdon via flickr