Navajo Fight Against New Uranium Mines Explained, on The Lindberg Report


As I stated in an earlier article, the Navajo Nation is challenging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in a Federal appeals court, over proposed in situ leach uranium mining on tribal lands. It’s the first time in history that the NRC will be challenged in court for its approval of a source materials license for an in situ leach uranium mine.

The Navajo communities of Crownpoint and Church Rock are represented by the New Mexico Environmental Law Center (NMELC), Eastern Navajo Dine against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) and Southwest Research and Information Center (SRIC). They are demanding that a New Mexico mining company, Hydro Resources, Inc., stay off tribal lands.

Eric Jantz, a lawyer with the NMELC, spent some time with me, explaining the lawsuit and that organization’s role in other uranium related issues. I asked him for a briefing on the litigation.


Image: World Nuclear Association

2 thoughts on “Navajo Fight Against New Uranium Mines Explained, on The Lindberg Report”

  1. Gerges,

    Thanks for the inquiry, and by all means let’s talk. Give me the day and time and we’ll do an interview.

  2. Gerges Scott

    I just listened to the interview with Eric Jantz, just wondering if there is an opportunity for other points of view on this issue? The people affected by his actions have an opinion, namely the Eastern Navajo Allottee Association. they live in poverty because they are not allowed to harvest the minerals that are on their own land.
    thank you

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