The volcano that was featured as Mount Doom for the Lord of the Rings trilogy is causing the New Zealand Department of Conservation some angst, with department measurements indicating the increasing likelihood that Ruapehu will erupt.
Subsequently, the Department of Conservation issued a warning to climbers and trampers in the region, recommending that they do not eneter the Summit Hazard Zone until further notice, an area within two kilometres of the centre of Crater Lake, encompassing all the peaks in the summit area.
“We recommend that guiding companies do not take people into the zone. Any other climbers, trampers and walkers should not enter the zone” says Jonathon Maxwell, DOC Ruapehu Area Manager, who said it was important to remember that Ruapehu has been constantly monitored due to constant activity.
“We will update the warning when more information is available. Both the DOC and GeoNet websites will be kept updated,” Jonathon said.