One of our loyal readers (the creator of the environmental music film above) passed on to me that Florida Power & Light (FPL) wants to put two new nuclear reactors on the shores of Biscayne Bay and the South Florida Wildlands Association is organizing a mock evacuation and rally for tomorrow (Saturday) in opposition to such a plan. Here’s more:
What: Clean Energy Rally and Protest of the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Expansion!
Florida Power and Light (FPL) is applying for an operating license to construct two new nuclear generators of over 1,000 Megawatts each on the shores of Biscayne Bay. Their application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission also includes massive high voltage powerlines through densely populated sections of Miami-Dade and the eastern border of Everglades National Park.
With two million pounds of spent nuclear fuel already piled up on the shores of Biscayne Bay and a major nuclear disaster unfolding on the other side of the planet, this is not necessarily the “safe, clean and reliable source of electricity” touted on the FPL website.
When: Saturday, April 30, 2011 – 9 to 11:30 AM – community potluck, music, and kayaking in the mangroves of Biscayne Bay to follow.
Where: Homestead Bayfront County Park., 9698 SW 328th Street (N Canal Drive) Homestead, FL 33033
The Turkey Point Plant will be visible less than 2 miles away across Biscayne Bay.
9:00 AM to 10 AM
Mock emergency evacuation of south Florida! Kayaks and canoes will be out on the water while nuclear refugees line up on the shore. Workers in hazmat suits will be checking evacuees for radiation exposure.
10 AM to 11 AM
Rally and press conference in support of safe, clean, and renewable energy and to say NO to the proposed expansion of the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant.
11:30 AM to ?
Join us for a community potluck, music and an afternoon of kayaking along the beautiful flats and mangroves of Biscayne Bay!
Who: South Florida Wildlands Association will join community and environmental leaders from throughout our region. Speakers for the rally and press conference include:
Phil Stoddard – Mayor of South Miami
George Cavros – Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Laura Reynolds – Tropical Audubon
Rhonda Roff – Save It Now Glades
Barry White – Citizens Allied for Clean Energy
Join in if you can!
And enjoy the environmental music film (EMF) about the issue and action above.
The 104 operating nuclear power plants in the United States have offset more carbon emissions in this country than any other technology known to man.
It’s time my fellow environmentalists take a step back from the hysteria and lose the absoluteist idealism. The world needs to a take a pragmatic look at it’s energy options.
Renewables are great, but they simply can’t do it all. We have a choice between nuclear fisison or fossil fuels for 80% of our energy. Between dwindling resources, climate change, and politial uncertainty in oil rich countries, that choice is simple.
Remember, the only country that ever met the requirements of Kyoto was France. They met the requirements the day it was passed because France gets 80% of it’s electricity from nuclear power.