Longest War in US History

Afghanistan War Longest in History

The war in Afghanistan became the longest war in US history this month. Do your part to stop it now.


Generally, we focus on environmental news and action here on Planetsave, but big activism news and opportunities of other sorts is also within our realm of interest and coverage.

If you haven’t heard, the Afghanistan War passed up the Vietnam War to became the longest war in US history last Monday (June 7th). It entered its 104th month.

At this point, over $1 trillion have been spent on the war and over 1,000 American soldiers as well as countless Afghan people have been killed.

If this sickens you or at least is not something you support, let Congress know now. TrueMajority offers two good ways for you to do that: 1) You can help them to run major media ads encouraging Congress to stop the war (and set a clear schedule for doing so); and 2) you can send a message to your representatives in Congress yourself, doing the same thing.

Do your part in our democratic society to voice your opinion.

Image Credit: mknobil via flickr/CC license

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