Limbaugh: Most Insensitive Remarks Regarding Japan's Devastation Possible [VIDEO]

This is truly horrible, and I wondered if it should even be shared. Puts my stomach in a knot. But for precisely that point, and the power this man and so many like him yield, I thought it my responsibility to share his remarks on here.

Apparently, Rush Limbaugh lacks all compassion for the people of Japan. On his show, he was laughing about the fact that Japanese are recycling even after the tremendous disasters that hit the country (video below). Not only does he mock the Japanese, but he completely mocks ABC’s Diane Sawyer. He also goes on to laugh at the fact that the Japanese, despite being very environmentally friendly, were so harmed by Mother Nature, and draws ridiculous conclusions from it.

The shot he sends to the Japanese for their green efforts is completely absurd and lacking in compassion, though.

A caller asks Limbaugh, “If these are the people that invented the Prius, have mastered public transportation, recycling, why did Mother Earth, Gaia if you will, hit them with this disaster?”

“He’s right,” Limbaugh said. “They’ve given us the Prius. Even now, refugees are recycling their garbage.” Here, he began to laugh, continuing, “and yet, Gaia levels them! (Laugh) Just wipes them out!”

“That is an excellent question,” Limbaugh ridiculously states. “In fact, where Gaia blew up is right where they make all these electric cars, that’s where the tsunami hit.”

He goes on and on about this: “I like the way this guy is thinking,” he states, and  then asks, “What is Gaia trying to tell us here?.. What is the mother of environmentalism trying to tell us here?”


Limbaugh also previously asked if environmentalists should cheer for the earthquake.

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